Do find the stereotypes misleading and offensive

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM131524601

Question: Many Anglo- American believe the use of Indian names and images for sports teams is insignificant and inoffensive. However, Native Americans could and do find the stereotypes misleading and offensive.

Read more under "Side Trip" #2 on page 237. What are your thoughts? (375 words); DUE IN 13 HOURS. DONT BE LATE

USE Synergy Principle and Sustainability Principle (include these principles in your answer)

Synergy Principle: people working together, integrating forces

1. Synergy and "flow dynamics"..."flow states"

2. Synergy and Nonsummativity: "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts"....2+2=4, integrate: 2+2=5 or more (flour,eggs, oil...mixed= cake batter

3. Pareto Optimality: striving to solution that cannot be improved w/o one side in worse position
"IC" is a process whereby people from different cultures integrate their resources striving towards an optimal result that cannot be achieved by any culture individually.

Sustainability Principle: Survival

· Nature of Sustainability: thinking about forever Globalization

Reference no: EM131524601

Questions Cloud

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