Do eight different specific types of analytics on the data

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697808

Analytics - what to do?

1. Do 8different specific types of analytics (charts) on the data. The 8th analytic should be a dashboard of other key analytics.

2. Use multiple dimensions and factors (variables) in each analytic for robust and rich analytics.

3. Use a variety of features such as dynamic trend analysis, heat map, bubble chart, bullet chart, combination chart, basic statistics, bars, circles, scatter plot, trend line, etc.

4. As you formulate your analytics and choose dimensions (factors/variables), think about causality and correlation among and between the dimensions.

5. There should be a good mix of descriptive and predictive analytics.

6. Our goal is to be ‘data driven.' Let the data speak for itself.

7. Study the visual charts to gain insight (conclusions).

8. From the insight make recommendations.

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Reference no: EM131697808

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