Dividend is expected to grow at some constant rate

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131451656

Crisp Cookware's common stock is expected to pay a dividend of $1.5 a share at the end of this year (D1 = $1.50); its beta is 0.80; the risk-free rate is 2.6%; and the market risk premium is 6%. The dividend is expected to grow at some constant rate g, and the stock currently sells for $47 a share. Assuming the market is in equilibrium, what does the market believe will be the stock's price at the end of 3 years (i.e., what is P3 )?

Reference no: EM131451656

Questions Cloud

Improve the performance of the application : Briefly describe each of the use cases - Identify and describe the intended actors or users of the software and identify and describe a software architecture style to use as the basis for your software design project.
Specify the deadlines for each goal : Specify the deadlines for each goal. Putting deadlines on each goal reduces ambiguity. Deadlines, however, should not be set arbitrarily.
Explain prioritize goals : When you have more than one goal, it's important to rank the goals in order of importance. The purpose of prioritizing is to encourage you to take action.
Find the security market line : Suppose there is a risk-free asset whose return is 5% and that the market portfolio has an expected return of 9%. Find the security market line.
Dividend is expected to grow at some constant rate : The dividend is expected to grow at some constant rate g, and the stock currently sells for $47 a share.
Rate the goals for difficulty and importance : Rate goals for difficulty and importance. Goal setting should not encourage people to choose easy goals. Instead, goals should be rated.
Explain use of sustainability in customer driven markets : provide an opinion (complete with citations) either for or against (skepticism) the successful use of sustainability in customer driven markets
Discuss the normalize table to third normal form : For all text and image submissions, use MS Word, which is available to you within the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).
Evaluate how you are performing : Build in feedback mechanisms to assess goal progress. Feedback lets you know whether your level of effort is sufficient to attain the goal.


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