Reference no: EM132633263
Case study: ‘No Name' Aircraft
Assignment Essay
1. What is a research paper (essay)?
Fundamentally, an essay is:
• An argument
• A written response to an essay question
• A critical review of literature.
2. How to develop an essay? Write a plan:
• Who is my audience? Academics, other students and industrial practitioners.
• What is my argument? My argument must be associated with international HRM and its main four areas.
• What are the parts/sections of my essay? We have already developed your sections
o Introduction,
o Diversity Management and Culture,
o International Performance Management, Training and Development,
o Conclusion and Recommendation(s) or Solution(s) and
o References.
The arguments should be a balanced discussion and evaluation of the strengths, weakness and notable features of the text. Remember to base your discussion on specific areas. Good reviews also include other sources to support your evaluation (remember to reference).
You can choose how to sequence your arguments. Here are some examples to get you started:
• Most important to least important arguments you make about the text.
• If your argument is more positive than negative, then present the negative points first and the positive last.
• If your argument is more negative than positive, then present the positive points first and the negative last.
• If there are both strengths and weaknesses for each area (concerning the four areas) you use, you need to decide overall what your judgement is. For example, you may want to comment on a key idea in the text and have both positive and negative comments. You could begin by stating what is good about the idea and then concede and explain how it is limited in some way. While this example shows a mixed evaluation, overall you are probably being more negative than positive.
• You can address each area (concerning the four areas) you choose in a paragraph, including both negative and positive points.
Please be aware that the recommended wordings provided in this report are just based on my own experience and you may choose other ways to allocate words to each heading.
Please also note that these outlines are brought to you using the rubric, hence, do not forget to check the rubric prior to write-up.
Set out your essay using the following structure:
1. Introduction (400 words)
The length of an introduction is usually one or two paragraph(s) for an essay (see two parts described below). Include a few opening sentences that announce the author(s) and the title, and briefly explain the topic of the text. Present the aim of the text and summarise the main findings or key arguments. Conclude the introduction with a brief statement of your evaluation of the text. This can be a positive or negative evaluation or, as is usually the case, a mixed response.
In Essays, an introduction has two parts:
a) General statements about your topic. These sentences need to:
• Attract reader's attention
• Introduce the topic in a general way to orientate your reader to the subject and to provide background information. This provides the context. Keep statements brief.
• Provide background information
b) Thesis statement. It is often the last sentence of the introduction and gives the reader the following information: State specific topic.
• Identifies your position on the topic or question
• List the subtopics that will be discussed
• Limits the scope of what will be discussed
• Indicates the pattern of organisation of the essay and gives a clear outline of what will follow.
2. Structure of Your Body Paragraphs (1500 words)
Generally, your body paragraph including (1) Diversity Management and Culture and (2) International Performance Management, Training and Development must follow this structure:
a) Topic sentence. States the topic and central idea of the paragraph. (The point the paragraph makes)
b) Supporting sentences. These sentences support, expand, explain, examine and justify the points made in the topic sentence. (Evidence, examples and quotes that support your position using at least 15 peer-reviewed journal articles beyond 2007).
c) Concluding Sentence. Relate the example and evidence back to your thesis.
More specifically for each heading,
I. Seek the literature and find theories and insights relating to four areas.
II. You must then break down these theories and see how they might be related to one another OR how they critique each other and then read the case study to see what you look for.
III. Take notes of the main points of these theories and insights. (Note: you may find a lot of theories and insights related to the topic. You must find those that can best describe the issues in the case study).
IV. Then, you must present the theories/insights in an interpretive (informative and descriptive) manner. It means that you need to describe the theory(ies) and insight(s) first and then take them to the case study and see how they would describe the issue in the case. This needs an analytical and critical thinking perspective across your work.
V. When writing, please ensure you will allocate a balanced wording to each area. For example, if you write 1000 words for diversity and culture and only allocate 500 words for International Performance Management, Training and Development, it means that either you have over-described diversity and culture or less provided informative statements for International Performance Management, Training and Development.
3. Conclusion and Recommendation(s) or Solution(s) (600 words)
Generally, the section of conclusion and recommendations (solutions) includes:
a) Relate the essay back to the essay requirement. Using the information provided in the case study as an example, you must summarise the critical theories and concepts of organisational HRM (four areas).
b) Reiterate the thesis point
c) Reiterate most important evidence supporting the position taken
d) May also contain a reflection on the evidence presented.
e) Questions such as these may be considered:
I. What is the significance of your findings?
II. What are the implications of your conclusions for this topic and for the broader field? -Are there any limitations to your approach?
III. Are there any other factors of relevance that impact upon the topic but fell outside the scope of the essay?
f) The conclusion should match the introduction in terms of the ideas presented and the argument put forward.
g) You must also provide some recommendations that cover all four areas in the case studies. It means that you look back to your findings from the literature and then look at the issues seen in the case study and eventually provide recommendations that can help solve the issue or reduce its impacts.
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