Reference no: EM132788298 , Length: 3434 Words
Assignment - "Diversity Management/Communication Skills" Term Project
Assigned group or individual (your choice as a group, as teams of two with your assigned group, or a person can choose to complete this assignment individually).
a. Prepare a written paper, in the APA format about 8-16 pages or more. On a topic similar to "Communication Skills in a Cross-Culturally Diverse Workplace." The key is to recognize an important organizational diversity challenge facing a modern firm or institution - then create a relevant title about it for your term paper. The paper must have at least ten references (including course textbook) and specific topics that you can select may include such issues as:
Communication and Diversity Management: Developing Effective Listening Skills.
Leading a Team of Adults with Disability: The Art of Effective Communication with the Hearing Impaired.
Managing Communication and Mentoring: The Art of Productivity Management in the Retail Industry.
Gender Issues and Communication in Healthcare: Mentoring and Succession Development
How Can Male and Female Employees Communicate Effectively as a Team?
How to Help Non-English Speakers Speak English in the Workplace?
Mentoring Protocols for Effectively Dealing with Diverse Employees
Mentoring Minorities and Females to Reach for the Stars!
Others....create your own!
b. Prepare your final paper and recommendations in the following format or sub-headings:
Introduction and importance of topic. Introduce the topic and explain why this is a challenge for organizations which can obstruct the full participation of diverse employees.
Diversity Literature. Provide relevant literature from many sources. Cite all sources properly. Try to cite at least ten different credible sources about your topic (books, journal articles, and credible websites are good sources).
Recommendations for effective communication. Provide best practices for effectively using communication skills (and/or mentoring skills if relevant) in such a diverse workplace.
Summary. Offer a summary of the paper.
c. The paper must be written specifically for this course. Your citations and sources may include journal articles, web sources of a "document-able nature", books, and primary sources including interviews or questionnaires. Paper must be written according to APA style and be carefully referenced. Appearance, punctuation, grammar, neatness, and spelling do count in the grading process. Note that this is a RESEARCH PAPER-avoid all first person pronouns. Paper should have an introductory paragraph, body, summary, and reference sections. Be sure to use the required title page provided by the university. If relevant, you are welcome to use your previous writings in this course (assignments or exercises already completed in previous weeks) into this assignment.