Diversity efforts focus on ethics

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Reference no: EM1325984

To increase diversity, it is often legal to consider race or gender as a factor in selecting employees. Although legal, do you think it is ethical that race or gender be a factor in making an employment decision? How much of a role should it play?

Is it ethical to hire a person with a lower test score because he or she seems to be a better personality fit for an organization?

If an I/O psychologist is employed by a company that appears to be discriminating against Hispanic people, is it ethical for her to stay with the company? What ethical obligations does she have?

Reference no: EM1325984

Questions Cloud

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Diversity efforts focus on ethics : Is it ethical to hire a person with a lower test score because he or she seems to be a better personality fit for an organization?
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Explain the gui and command line utilities : throughout Phase One of this project, your job is to set up the Windows Server 2003 and train two of the management staff on its operation.


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