Diversity challenges-johnson and johnson management

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133345145

Making a Diverse Workplace the Top Priority Johnson and Johnson is a leader in multinational medical devices as well as pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods. Founded in 1886, the company has been through generations of cultural differences and is consistently listed among the Fortune 500. Johnson and Johnson is a household name for millions with many of their products lining the shelves of medicine cabinets around the globe. In 2017, Johnson & Johnson took the number two spot on the Thomson Reuters Diversity and Inclusion Index. At such a multinational company, with over 130,000 employees worldwide, the forefront of the focus on their internal workforce is diversity. At the forefront of their mission statement, this is clearly stated: "Make diversity and inclusion how we work every day." Having a mission statement is wonderful, but how does Johnson and Johnson live up to these standards day in and day out? Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Wanda Bryant Hope works tirelessly to inject the company with the very founding principles that built the company 130 years ago. She is one of 46 percent of employees worldwide that are women, and is delivering solutions that serve all of the patients and companies that work with Johnson and Johnson. One initiative that sets Johnson and Johnson apart in the diversity category is their programs and initiatives such as the Scientist Mentoring and Diversity Program (SMDP), which is a yearlong mentorship program pairing ethnically diverse students with industry leaders. Additionally, the company commits to alignment with Human Rights Campaign Equality Index benchmarks, as well as supporting the armed forces and wounded soldiers. These benefits include transgender-inclusive health insurance coverage and paid time off after military leave for soldiers to acclimate back to life at home. These commitments make Johnson and Johnson one of the best cases for a company that is making great strides in a tough cultural climate to bridge the gaps and make all of their employees, customers, and clients feel included and a part of the bigger whole.


1. What diversity challenges do you think Johnson and Johnson management and employees face due to their presence as worldwide organization?

2. What other considerations should the company take in order to increase their impact of diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

3. Johnson and Johnson prides themselves on bridging the gender equality gap. What are some challenges or concerns to consider in the future with their hiring practices?

Reference no: EM133345145

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