Diversity and microscope and simple stains

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Reference no: EM133541058

1. Diversity

1. What type of media did we use for this experiment?

2. What organisms can you expect to grow at 37oC, at room temperature (25oC)

3. How can you tell the difference from fungi (molds) and bacteria on an agar plate?

2. Microscope

1. Know the parts of the microscope and their function.

2. How do you adjust the scope top look at live organisms? at bacteria?

3. Which lens is the oil immersion lens? When would you use it?

4. Know how to determine the magnification (total) of the image.

5. Compare wet mounts and stained specimens. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

3. Pure Culture and Aseptic Technique

1. What is aseptic technique? What is meant by a pure culture?

2. Why is it important in microbiology?

3. Why do you streak cultures for isolation?

4. Know how to inoculate a broth, slant, and a deep.

5. Know the technique for streaking a plate.

4. Simple Stains

1. How do you make a smear from broth/slant culture?

2. Why do you heat fix a slide?

3. What does a simple stain tell you about an organism?

5. Differential and Selective Stains (Gram Stain)

1. Know the steps of the gram stain.

2. What can cause gram (+) cells to appear gram (-)?

3. What color are gram (+) and gram (-) cells?

4. What does the gram stain tell you about an organism?

5. Why is it important to use fresh cultures for the gram stain?

6. Why can't you gram stain acid fast organisms?

7. What does an endospore look like when gram stained? When endospore stained?

8. What media is it best to prepare a gram stain from?

6. Chemically defined, Complex, and Selective, and Differential Media

1. Understand the difference between defined, undefined (complex), selective, and differential media.

2. What type of media is TSA, Glucose Salts agar, EMB?

3. Know what types of organisms you can expect to grow on each of the plates used in this exercise. What types of organisms are inhibited?

7. Aerobic/Anaerobic Growth

1. What was the purpose of this lab?

2. Understand the difference between aerobic, anaerobic, facultative organisms. (Describe the oxygen preference of each m/o used in this lab, using these terms)

3. Be able to identify the type of organism growing in a shake/agar deep tube.

4. Why were shake tubes used for this exercise and not agar slants or broth?

8. Identification of Enteric Gram Negative rods

1. What color is a (+) phenol red fermentation test? What does a (+) test tell you about the organism?

2. What is the indicator in the phenol red fermentation test? What does it indicate?

3. What does the durham tube tell you?

4. Understand the significance between the MR and VP tests.

5. Be able to read a positive and negative test for each of the biochemical tests used in this lab.

6. Know whether or not you need to add a reagent to the test. Are there any pH indicators?

7. Understand what each test is telling you about the organism.

8. Know whether the agar plates used in this lab are selective, differential, or both. What does growth on the plates indicate? (review the MacConkey, HE, and XLD plates).

Reference no: EM133541058

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Diversity and microscope and simple stains : What type of media did we use for this experiment? Know the parts of the microscope and their function. How do you make a smear from broth/slant culture?
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