Diversification is good for shareholders

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133147251

Question 1.

Diversification is good for shareholders. So why shouldn't managers acquire firms in different industries to diversify a company?

Question 2.

Your spouse works for Southwest Airlines and you work for a grocery store. Is your company or your spouse's company more likely exposed to systematic risk? Explain.

Reference no: EM133147251

Questions Cloud

Capitalization versus Expensing : Ethical obligations of a controller when pressured by the CFO to capitalize costs that should be expensed.
Build strategic business partnership : Propose how these mechanisms can be used to build a strategic business partnership,
Acceleration of globalization and firms : With the acceleration of globalization, firms with superior international HRM capabilities are likely to have a competitive advantage.
History behind current events : Discuss the value of studying history for everyone, not just historians. Consider a recent event you have read about or seen in the news.
Diversification is good for shareholders : Diversification is good for shareholders. So why shouldn't managers acquire firms in different industries to diversify a company?
Describe business and processes : Briefly describe your chosen business and one of its processes. Discuss why you chose the particular process. What is its importance in the organization?
Total fixed costs and unit fixed cost : When sales go up, Total Fixed Costs (TFC) will go up? When sales go down, Unit Fixed Cost (UFC) will go up?
Methods of revenue recognition for construction contracts : What are the two methods of revenue recognition for construction contracts? What are the conditions to use one method instead of the other?
Describe and critique performance reporting : Describe and critique the performance reporting that is used by that organization. If you do not have relevant work experience,


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