Distribution using the kernel density function

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13863052

Ten samples are available, i.e., -1.3499, 3.0349, 0.7254, -0.0631, 0.7147, -0.2050, -0.1241, 1.4897, 1.4090, 1.4172, to fit a distribution using the Kernel Density Function. If a Gaussian Kernel Function is selected with a bandwidth of 0.7693, estimate the PDF (probability density function) values at following sample locations: -3.0, 1.5, and 4.0.

Reference no: EM13863052

Questions Cloud

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Distribution using the kernel density function : Ten samples are available, i.e., -1.3499, 3.0349, 0.7254, -0.0631, 0.7147, -0.2050, -0.1241, 1.4897, 1.4090, 1.4172, to fit a distribution using the Kernel Density Function. If a Gaussian Kernel Function is selected with a bandwidth of 0.7693, estima..
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