Distribution of discrete data that produces a bell-shaped

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131936075

True or False

  1. A normal distribution is a distribution of discrete data that produces a bell-shaped curve.
  2. The mean of the discrete probability distribution for a discrete random variable is called its expected value.
  3. The mean, the median, and the mode are not equal when the normal distribution.
  4. The variance is the expected value of the squared difference between the random variable and its mean.
  5. If the critical values of the test statistic z is ±1.96, they are the dividing points between the areas of rejection and non-rejection.
  6. There are many normal distributions.
  7. The binomial probability table gives the probability for the value of p greater than 0.5.
  8. The H_o cannot be written without having an equal sign.
  9. For the normal distribution, the observations closer to the middle will occur with increasing frequency.
  10. If the product of n and p and the product of n and q are both greater than 5, we can effectively approximate the binomial by using the normal distribution.

Reference no: EM131936075

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