Distributed network management system

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM13804732

Part A:

Question 1. An important aspect of a network management system involves
managing connectivity between all PDAs and mainframe systems.
collecting and analyzing data to support organizational business needs.
keeping track of some client/server applications.
keeping track of most multimedia applications.
both managing connectivity between all PDAs and mainframe systems and keeping track of some client/server applications.

Question 2. One of the main goals of network management is to make operations more _____ and operators more productive.
Both productive and efficient

Question 3. Which is not one of the four steps of the network management life cycle?
Both monitor and plan

Question 4. In the network management system, the interface between the manager and the network device is known as the _____.
application programming interface (API)

Question 5. Which is not a part of all management agents?
Core agent logic
Management interface
Both core agent logic and XML

Question 6. One of the key words found in the definition of network management is operation. Select the best definition of operation from the following choices.
Performing repairs and upgrades and taking corrective and preventive proactive measures to make the network run better
Keeping the network up and running smoothly
Configuring resources in the network to support a given service
Keeping track of resources in the network and how they are assigned
None of the above

Question 7. Select the name of the language used for the definition of management information used with SNMP.
Guidelines for the definition of managed objects (GDMO)
Abstract syntax notation version 1 (ASN.1)
Managed object format (MOF)
Structure of management information (SMI)
Object protocol language for management (OPLMv2)

Question 8. Which item does not fall under the configuration management functional responsibility?
Configuring alarm-forwarding information
Reconciling the as-built network to the as-planned network
Managing software images running on the network
Synchronizing cached network configuration information with the network's actual configuration
Performing backup and restore operations

Question 9. Which is not one of the reasons why polling a managed device for operational data and state information is generally done?
Device viewing
Device update
None of the above

Question 10. Which is not one of the events in network management event taxonomy?
Threshold-crossing alerts
Informational events
Baseline events
Configuration-change events
Logging events

Part B:

Question 1. Select the best features for an operational support system designed to assist users who must sift through large volumes of management information.
Visual highlighting of information that seems out of the ordinary
Graphical representation of large data sets-diagrams and curves to visualize trends
Functions to sort, search, and filter information according to a wide variety of criteria
None of the above
All of the above

Question 2. The effectiveness of management is influenced at which layers in the network management structure?
Level of management technology, level of management support, level of management organization, level of management providers
Level of management devices, level of management support, level of management organization
Level of management technology, level of management support, level of management organization
Level of management technology, level of management support, level of management organization, level of managed enablers
None of the above

Question 3. Which factors comprise the total cost of ownership?
Cost of the operations staff, amortization cost of the operations support infrastructure
Scale index of the operations center, cost for end-user help desk calls
Cost of the operations staff, cost for end-user help desk calls
Cost of the operations staff, amortization cost of the operations support infrastructure, scale index of the operations center, cost for end-user help desk calls
Cost of the operations staff, amortization cost of the operations support infrastructure, scale index of the operations center

Question 4. Select the best answer about the effectiveness and impact of network management in a business enterprise.
Helps determine where to direct investment into network management, provides a basis for developing ROI models, and provides a foundation for determining when maintenance must be scheduled.
Helps determine where to direct investment into network management, provides a foundation for determining when maintenance must be scheduled
Helps determine where to direct investment into network management, provides a basis for developing ROI models, provides a foundation for determining when maintenance must be scheduled
Provides a basis for developing ROI models, provides a foundation for determining when maintenance must be scheduled
Helps determine where to direct investment into network management, provides a basis for developing ROI models, provides a basis for determining where investment will have the biggest impact

Question 5. Which gives the best definition of MTBF?
A classical measure of reliability that gives an indication of how often a service or device becomes unavailable
Percentage of time during which a service is functioning properly
Time from service order to service activation
Customer defections from slow order fulfillment and lack of consistent quality
A classical measure for indicating how long it takes for services that are impacted by failures to be restored

Question 6. Select the examples below that represent proxied tasks by a hierarchical network management system.
Handling high-frequency, high-bandwidth management operations geographically close to the actual equipment and not centrally by the NOC; polling a link for its utilization on behalf of another application; backing up the database server each evening
Handling high-frequency, high-bandwidth management operations geographically close to the actual equipment and not centrally by the NOC; polling a link for its utilization on behalf of another application; backing up the database server each evening; a port interface card counting the number of packets sent each second
Handling high-frequency, high-bandwidth management operations geographically close to the actual equipment and not centrally by the NOC; polling a link for its utilization on behalf of another application
Backing up the database server each evening; a port interface card counting the number of packets sent each second
Polling a link for its utilization on behalf of another application; backing up the database server each evening

Question 7. Select the two distinct types of management complexity (from either runtime, application, service, or build) that affect scale and must be dealt with when developing and deploying management systems.
Runtime complexity and build complexity
Application complexity and service complexity
Service complexity and build complexity
Runtime complexity and application complexity
Application complexity and build complexity

Question 8. Select the correct formula for determining scale complexity as a function (f) of port number and domain size.
Scale complexity = f(# devices, domain size).
Scale complexity = f(# ports, # interfaces).
Scale complexity = f(# ports, # devices).
Scale complexity = f(# interfaces, domain name).
Scale complexity = f(# ports, domain size).

Question 9. Which is not one of the management layer primitives that are found in most management protocols and that form the basis of management communication patterns between manager-agent relationships?
Action primitives
Write primitives
Update primitives
Event-reporting primitives
Read primitives

Question 10. Which type of event typically requires management attention in a network management system?
A configuration change alert
A threshold-crossing alert
A syslog message alert
An alarm event
An operator activity alert

Part C:

Question 1. In the context of network management, how can the same manageability features contribute simultaneously to several goals?

Question 2. Briefly describe what the term heterogeneity refers to as related to integrated management.

Question 3. In a few words, define the following management style in terms of its application to the network management system: management by exception.

Question 4. Give the three reasons why polling a managed device for operational data and state information is generally done.

Question 5. Briefly explain syslog and what purpose it serves in network management.

Question 6. Write out the numbered object identifier (OID) that represents the TCP node found beneath the MIB-2 group. Explain why this is the numbered OID.

Question 7. Explain the maintenance function of OAM & P network management in terms of its functions in the network management system.

Question 8. Give an example of the A in the FCAPS reference model for network management.

Part D:

Question 1. Assume that you are in the process of purchasing a management application for a service provider. The management application vendor claims that its management system can manage up to 25 million objects. Your IT manager is interested in a list of questions that need to be answered by the management application vendor before proceeding to the next phase of the talk. What are some valid questions that the IT manager can ask the management application vendor before purchasing the application? Justify your answer.

Question 2. What are some of the advantages of using a distributed network management system in the corporate enterprise? What are some of the concerns that must be considered in order to provide an integrated network management solution to the enterprise?

Question 3. List at least three metrics that can be used to measure scale for a particular network management infrastructure. How essential are those metrics in (a) an enterprise organization and (b) a service provider organization?

Reference no: EM13804732

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