Distractions and interruptions occur every day

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133687237


Distractions and interruptions occur every day and can impact patient safety without us noticing. Distractions and interruptions can occur while we are working from the patients, coworkers, providers, or technology. It is important to know if these distractions and interruptions are impacting patient safety and putting our patients in risk. As nurses we will always have interruptions and distractions, but it is important to know how to limit these distractions to make sure we are providing the best care for our patients. Most nurses do not notice the distractions and interruptions anymore.

Reference no: EM133687237

Questions Cloud

How do voter fraud affect publics confidence in elections : How do allegations of electing rigging and voter fraud affect the public's confidence in elections.
How did the vikings expertise in shipbuilding : How did the Vikings' expertise in shipbuilding and sailing make their migrations different from those of earlier Germanic tribes?
Extraneous variables in rural community of darlington : Health belief model Extraneous Variables In the rural community of Darlington, does implementing a health fair focusing on reducing ARIs and strep throat,
How did his administration try to deal with the depression : How did President Hoover and his administration try to deal with the Depression? What were the results of those efforts?
Distractions and interruptions occur every day : Distractions and interruptions occur every day and can impact patient safety without us noticing.
?what did they do during the enlightenment : ?How does your philosopher fit into the broader understanding of the Enlightenment; essentially, what is their significance?
Examine contemporary relationship between the cree and inuit : In the documentary "Inuit Cree Reconciliation" by Zacharias Kunuk and Neil Diamond.
Discuss the pre-trump and reagan era republican party : What exactly are these eras and how has the Republican Party shifted away from that within the past decade?
Percentage of the french workforce did it ultimately involve : At a certain point the SI was at the center of a massive nation-wide strike in France that brought the French economy to its knees.


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