Distinguish database management system and a database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132150215

Answer the following Question :

Explain the difference between a database management system (DBMS) and a database.

Are Microsoft Access, SQL Server, and Oracle examples of databases or database management systems (DBMS)?

Reference no: EM132150215

Questions Cloud

Would you expect marginal utility to rise or fall : When market equilibrium occurs, quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied, which means that both sellers and buyers get what they want.
How long do you think that situation will last : In 2009 U.S. households were not even buying a toaster when it wore out. Which economies that are major trading partners of the United States.
What are the initial and ongoing costs of each : With the explosion of users on social media sites, businesses need to establish their presence on social media sites.
What is the profit-maximizing quantity of labor : Suppose the production function for a competitive firm is Q = K.75L.25. The firm sells its output at a price of $32 and can hire labor at a wage rate of $2.
Distinguish database management system and a database : Explain the difference between a database management system (DBMS) and a database.
Define the essential inputs or assumptions : Define the essential inputs or assumptions you would need to build your model, using evidence and examples to substantiate your claims
How incentives change as one ages : Show the dynamics of the retirement decision graphically by showing how incentives change as one ages. Your graphs should demonstrate both how work becomes.
Find the duration of the bond : Yield to maturity Moe's Inc. has bonds outstanding with a par value of $1000 and 10 years to maturity. Find the duration of the bond
What prior experiences do you have that inform : WRTG 112 : What are some of your aspirations (educational, professional, or other goals) that you can work toward by taking Introduction to Writing.


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