Distinguish between ideas and viable opportunities

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131296304

1. Explain the processes of innovation and entrepreneurship?

2. Distinguish between ideas and viable opportunities?

3. Demonstrate skills, or improvement on skills, that are needed to form effective (diverse) teams?

4. Explain the value of innovation and entrepreneurship for their society and economy?

5. Identify the ethical and legitimacy challenges that face entrepreneurs with new ventures?

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The purpose of the project is to specify the various distinguishing points between and innovation and entrepreneurship. Along with this concept there is also a discussion about the skills required to build a team and managed it. The responsibilities of building up an idea into an actual business and also the legal and legislative obligations that come along with any specific entrepreneurship.

Reference no: EM131296304

Questions Cloud

Prevalent reason why employees organize : What do you think is the most prevalent reason why employees organize? Defend your reasoning and discuss.
Select r and c so that there is a pole : For a series RC circuit, find ZEQ(s) and then select R and C so that there is a pole at s = 0 and a zero at s = -10 krad/s.
What is the diagnostic and statistical manual : What is the DIAGNOSTIC AND STATISTICAL MANUAL (DSM)? Why are there so many different types of therapy? What are they and what's the difference between them?
Six building blocks of the health belief model : Question 1: Select a prevalent health issue discussed in the lecture or required reading for this unit. Using this health issue, provide one example for each of the six building blocks of the health belief model (HBM).
Distinguish between ideas and viable opportunities : Explain the processes of innovation and entrepreneurship - distinguish between ideas and viable opportunities?
Select values of r and c to locate a pole : Find and express ZEQ(s) as a rational function and locate its poles and zeroes.-  Select values of R and C to locate a pole at s = -22 krad/s. Where is the resulting zero?
Discuss about the brain and its side : What is the relation between the left and right sides of the brain? Why Gage's behavior are abnormal after the brain damage in the case of Phineas Gage?
List and label the variables as independent : List and label the variables as independent, dependent, intervening, or moderating. Explain  the relationships among the variables. Develop a problem statement for the situation
Select values of r and c to locate a zero : Find and express ZEQ(s) as a rational function and locate its poles and zeroes.-  Select values of R and C to locate a zero at s = -330 krad/s.



12/8/2016 4:30:43 AM

please make the answer as points and each point should be brief with full information and should be only 2 or 3 line at least. question no. 1 required full processes of innovation and full process for entrepreneurship. each point should be each point more brief each point at least 2 or 3 lines question 2, should be each point more brief each point at least 2 or 3 lines and increase more points please. question 3, should be each point more brief each point at least 2 or 3 line and increase more points please. question 4, should be each point more brief each point at least 2 or 3 line and increase more points please.Explain the value for society and economy. question 5, should be each point more brief each point at least 2 or 3 line and increase more points please


12/2/2016 7:21:24 AM

please make the answers more direct to questions and more simple and clear and as point if required. and do not put any not required sentence. and no need for references. and give the answer as points and below point provide explanation for each point. for question no. 1 please provide the process as point for innovation and entrepreneurship and below point breif explanation for each one. for question no. 2 , Distinguish between ideas and viable opportunities, keep clear and simple and as point if required. for question no. 3 , keep as piont and brief explain under each point. for question no. 4 , Explain the value of innovation and entrepreneurship for their society and economy? , make it brief and simple and direct to question for question no. 5 , Identify the ethical and legitimacy challenges that face entrepreneurs with new ventures? , provide point and explain each point. I have clreared all doubts please prepare it in this way. I appreciate your help


12/1/2016 12:37:56 AM

required to answre the below five questions only with full answer: 1.Explain the processes of innovation and entrepreneurship? 2.Distinguish between ideas and viable opportunities? 3.Demonstrate skills, or improvement on skills, that are needed to form effective (diverse) teams? 4.Explain the value of innovation and entrepreneurship for their society and economy? 5.Identify the ethical and legitimacy challenges that face entrepreneurs with new ventures?

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