Reference no: EM133036074
DSGN6031 Social Enterprise - Laureate International Universities
Business Pitch Deck
Final Pitch Deck and Working Prototype
1. Critically evaluate and synthesise the fundamental theories of social enterprise and creative entrepreneurship
2. Apply theories of entrepreneurship to analysing and addressing real world social problems
3. Work with relevant stakeholders to address a real world social problem
4. Distinguish and survey the target market to clarify user needs and preference
5. Critically analyse the role of the user in the development of the product or service.
6. Design and present a business solution that meets the objectives of a social enterprise organisation.
7. Critically reflect on proposed business solutions and provide constructive feedback.
Length: 15 minutes (including visual aids and key research findings) + 5 minute product walkthrough
Task: Individual presentation of final pitch, following the below structure:
1. Problem - 1-2 sentences
2. Solution 1-2 sentences
3. Business Model - (1-2 sentences explaining how you make money)
4. Competition - preferable in the 2-axis format (McClure, 2013), or another suitable way such as a table with feature list comparisons
5. Unique Value Proposition - what makes you unique, better and different from the competition
6. Total Addressable Market - this will be an estimate
7. Demographic of customer segment - Primary Market Segment - (your early adopters)
- not mass market please
8. Technology (if applicable)
9. Total Addressable Market Size
10. Team - Key People
11. Revenue Models / Pricing
12. Financial Projections (models and metrics)
1. Expense Assumptions
2. Revenue Assumptions
3. Customer Acquisition Costs
4. KPI's
13. Marketing plan - a proposal of how your group would launch its organisation
14. Data from 20+ user interviews presented in bar / pie charts (data visualization)
update with any additional info since Assessment 2 presentation
15. Hypothesis Template (updated)
16. User Interview Script (updated)
17. Business Model Canvas (updated)
18. Value Proposition Canvas Worksheets (updated)
19. PROTOTYPE Screens - Full walkthrough of prototype, take the class through a complete click-through tour of your product on your prototype platform. Should be a complete user journey from the landing page through to the end goal of what your
group's service, product or platform provides your user.
Physical prototype / 3d renders of prototype for a physical product
This assignment final pitch will be presented in a live online class.
- Module 6.1 : Record your final pitch and protype and upload into the Assessment 4 submission link in Blackboard for marking.
- Upload your final pitch into Your Project Folder in Neutopia. Please look up the list (provided) of laureate faculty or alumni who have offered to put their name up to be a mentor. Ask for feedback before final presentation to class.
- Module 6.2 : Attend a live class to present your final pitch for Assessment 4. Please invite your mentor to attend this presentation.
- In the event that participants are not able to attend the live class please contact your learning facilitator and an alternative platform to present a pitch will be considered for peer and facilitator review.
Attachment:- Social Enterprise.rar