Distinction between substitution and income effects

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM131065196

Suppose there is a increase in payroll taxes, which does not lead to a decrease in hours worked. A friend says that the tax "generates no excess burden because it does not lead to changes in behaviour." Is this statement true or false? Explain using a simple labour-leisure choice model, and do not forget to make the distinction between substitution and income effects.

Reference no: EM131065196

Questions Cloud

What is the unit contribution rounded to whole pennies : Horatio Alger has just become product manager for Brand X. Brand X is a consumer product with a retail price of $1.00. Retail margins on the product are 33%, while wholesalers take a 12% margin. What is the unit contribution rounded to whole pennies?
Determine how much the semiannual payment should be : You are chairperson of the investment fund for the Continental Soccer League. You are asked to set up a fund of semiannual payments to be compounded semiannually to accumulate a sum of $310,000 after ten years at a 14 percent annual rate (20 payments..
What required rate of return is implied by the current : Losh Key Corporation common stock is selling for $25.00 per share with an expect cash dividend next year of $1.00. Short term prospects are excellent for Losh Key: a 25% annual growth rate in dividend payments is expected for the three years followin..
Size of firm has no effect on tendency to pay dividends : Generally speaking, the size of a firm has no effect on its tendency to pay dividends. The market crash and the accounting scandals in the early 2000s tended to cause financially stable firms to cease paying cash dividends. The majority of firms eith..
Distinction between substitution and income effects : A friend says that the tax "generates no excess burden because it does not lead to changes in behaviour." Is this statement true or false? Explain using a simple labour-leisure choice model, and do not forget to make the distinction between substi..
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Studied-learned about u.s. history over the course : For this discussion, I'd like everyone to reflect upon what you have studied/learned about U.S. history over the course of this semester, and discuss this with your fellow students in response to the following statement.
Describe a process you could use to get simple random sample : Is your sample a simple random sample? Explain. Describe a process you could use to get a simple random sample of size 20 from a class of size 40


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