Distinction between micro and macroevolution

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM13793947

Are humans experiencing microevolution due to natural selection? If yes, propose an example. If no, explain why not. Cite your source(s) at the end of your post.

What is the distinction between micro and macroevolution? Can one accept one idea and not the other? Explain your answer and cite your source(s).

If we maintain a strict biological definition of "species", H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis were NOT separate species as they successfully interbred. What impact might this information have on assigning a date to the origin of humans? Are there any other implications? Cite your source(s) at the end of your post.

Throughout the past seven modules you have been presented with an introduction to evolutionary theory and some lines of evidence for its validity. There are many websites that purport to illustrate the falsity of evolution. Go online and research a single argument that one of these sites makes against evolution. Select one that you find interesting or support or find most plausible.

Make a post with the following components:

A) Explain the specific argument against evolutionary theory.

Reference no: EM13793947

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