Dissimilar structures or domains of the two proteins

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133443149

Question 1

Provide an alignment of the DNA sequence and corresponding protein sequence of GST from the start codon to the stop codon. Ensure that the sequences are correctly aligned so that each amino acid residue is matched to its codon. Include a figure legend.

Question 2

Provide an alignment of the DNA sequence with the corresponding protein sequence of 'Protein A' (accession number: X02760.1). Include a figure legend.

Question 3

Provide an alignment of the DNA sequence with the corresponding protein sequence of 'Protein B' (accession number: V00595.1) Include a figure legend.

Question 4

Provide a figure showing the alignment of the amino acid sequences of Protein A and Protein B. Include a figure legend.

Identify the two proteins (A and B). identify similar and dissimilar structures or domains of the two proteins. Speculate as to how different regions of the proteins contribute to protein function?

Reference no: EM133443149

Questions Cloud

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What is the role of calcium in neurotransmitter release : What is the role of calcium in neurotransmitter release, muscle contraction, or rigor mortis?
DNA Analysis The DNA of three different frogs are scanned. : Complete each lab procedure in the order it is presented. DNA Analysis The DNA of three different frogs are scanned.


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