Dissertation on paragraph writing

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM1311455

Topic : Required Area in paragraph Writing
Illustration and Description
In this section, you are required to write two (2) paragraphs; one (1) paragraph will demonstrate illustration and one (1) will demonstrate description. Each paragraph should be ½ - ¾ page, single-spaced in length and labeled.
1. Illustration Paragraph - You may choose one of the topics on page 75 (except #15). You must demonstrate mastery of the following in your paragraph; be sure that the depth (length) of your paragraph is sufficient to demonstrate these concepts.
a. Topic Sentence - Be sure this is a general statement that you can illustrate in your paragraph. Highlight this sentence in aqua blue.
b. Body Sentences - Be sure to select ideas and write sentences that clearly illustrate your topic sentence and are definitely related to the topic sentence. The quality and relationship of these sentences will be evaluated.
c. Coherence - Be sure that you organize your paragraph in the best way possible
(1) Order: Select the best order for you paragraph (time, space, or importance). Select transitions for your paragraph that demonstrate your understanding of the order. At a minimum, you must use three (3) transitions (p. 70) to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Highlight these transitions in yellow.
(2) Related Sentences: Be sure to repeat words and ideas; use synonyms and substitutions to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Highlight these related words or sentence parts in gray.
d. Sentence Structure: In your paragraph, demonstrate your understanding of the following sentence structures. You must demonstrate at least one (1) of EACH of the following structures. Highlight these in green.
(1) Coordinating conjunction
(2) Semicolon
(3) Conjunctive adverb
(4) Subordinate clause followed by an independent clause
e. Concluding Sentence: Be sure to complete your paragraph with a well-written concluding sentence.
f. Mechanics and Grammar - Be sure that you complete the final step of the writing process: proofreading. Your paragraph should definitely be free from sentence construction errors and should be spellchecked.
g. Reminder: Finally, although the points for this are not awarded here, remember to submit the writing process work for this paragraph so that you can get credit for it in Part B.
2. Description Paragraph - You may choose one of the topics on page 91 (except #15). You must demonstrate mastery of the following in your paragraph; be sure that the depth (length) of your paragraph is sufficient to demonstrate these concepts.
a. Topic Sentence - Be sure this is a general statement that states the person, place, or thing you will describe. Highlight this sentence in aqua blue.
b. Body Sentences - Be sure to select ideas and write sentences that appeal to the senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, and/or touch) and that are definitely related to the topic sentence. The quality and relationship of these sentences will be evaluated.
c. Coherence - Be sure that you organize your paragraph in the best way possible
(1) Order: Select the best order for you paragraph (probably spatial). Select transitions for your paragraph that demonstrate your understanding of the order. At a minimum, you must use three (3) transitions (p. 86) to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Highlight these transitions in yellow.
(2) Related Sentences: Be sure to repeat words and ideas; use synonyms and substitutions to demonstrate your understanding of this concept. Highlight these related words or sentence parts in gray.
d. Sentence Structure: In your paragraph, demonstrate your understanding of the following sentence structures. You must demonstrate at least one (1) of EACH of the following structures. Highlight these in green.
(1) Coordinating conjunction
(2) Semicolon
(3) Conjunctive adverb
(4) Subordinate clause followed by an independent clause
e. Concluding Sentence: Be sure to complete your paragraph with a well-written concluding sentence.
f. Mechanics and Grammar - Be sure that you complete the final step of the writing process: proofreading. Your paragraph should definitely be free from sentence construction errors and should be spellchecked.
g. Reminder: Finally, although the points for this are not awarded here, remember to submit the writing process work for this paragraph so that you can get credit for it in Part B.

Reference no: EM1311455

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