Dissertation on forward implied volatility

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM134830 , Length: 60

Dissertation writing help - Forward Implied Volatility

Custom Dissertation Writing Service on market standard models

We look at the pricing of structures that depend on forward volatility, such as globally floored cliquets. We start o by analyzing market standard models, which prescribe the dynamics of volatility as either deterministic or instantaneous. We then move onto to analyzing the Discrete Stochastic Implied Volatility (DSIV) model. This model specifies the dynamics of forward implied volatility directly at discrete times and as a result has more realism of and control over the dynamics. For each of these models we explore in detail the implied forward volatility dynamics and how to price exotic cliquet options. We then compare these prices against Totem marks, which represent actual market price information.

Reference no: EM134830

Questions Cloud

What will transform in properties of the black hole : What will transform in terms of the observable properties of the black hole as this process continues
What is the final speed of the bullet : The coefficient of kinetic friction for wood sliding on wood is 0.20. What is the final speed of the bullet
What is the least speed the block : What is the least speed the block must have at the top of the loop to make it around the loop-the-loop without leaving the track
What is the magnitude of the force on an electron : What is the magnitude of the force on an electron that is in the region between the plates at a point accurately 2.52 mm from the positive plate
Dissertation on forward implied volatility : The pricing of structures that depend on forward volatility, such as globally floored cliquets. We start o by analyzing market standard models, which prescribe the dynamics of volatility as either deterministic or instantaneous.
Performance of robust model-free hedging : The performance of robust model-free hedging via Skorokhod embeddings of digital double barrier options against that of traditional hedging methods such as delta and vega/ delta hedging.
On the dynamical risk properties of a bond portfolio : In this report, the single-asset basis risk model is extended to a multi-asset version where multiple traded assets are used to price and hedge a derivative on a non-traded asset.
Multi-asset utility-based pricing and hedging of derivatives : In this report, the single-asset basis risk model is extended to a multi-asset version where multiple traded assets are used to price and hedge a derivative on a non-traded asset.
Markov functional interest rate models : The class of Markov functional models (MFMs) attempts to overcome this inconvenience by combining the strong points of market and short rate models, namely the exact replication of prices of calibration instruments and tractability.


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