Dissertation on energy transition strategies for oil and gas

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM133693216 , Length: 100 pages

Research paper on Topic: "Energy Transition Strategies for Oil and Gas Companies in Nigeria"

Table of Contents

Section 1: Topic, Aim and Objectives
Contribution of the Research

Section 2: Literature Review
Overview of Energy Transition and Factors Necessary to Achieve the Goal
Relationship between Energy Transition Strategy and Sustainability of Companies
Analysis of the Energy Transition Competencies of Oil and Gas Companies
Approaches for Optimizing the Energy Transition Competencies of Oil and Gas Companies

Section 3: Methodology
Strategy for Research
Philosophy for Research
Research Approach
Research Design
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Ethical Consideration

Section 4: Research Plan
Key Milestone
Proposed Length of Time for Each Milestone
Contingency Plan

The study aims to investigate the strategies that oil and gas companies in Nigeria are adopting from shifting respective reliance from conventional sources of energy to renewable sources to assist them in finding optimal solutions to maximize their respective efficiency.

Reference no: EM133693216

Questions Cloud

How do you compare to the top performers : How do you compare to the top performers? What would your organization need to do to improve its PMO practices?
Describe how practical implications resulting from research : Describe how the practical implications resulting from the research could be used by stakeholders of the research (1-2 paragraphs).
How tam is impacting educational settings : Define TAM and the components. Note how TAM is impacting educational settings. Give an overview of the case study presented and the findings.
What existing laws do you feel would need to be considered : What existing laws do you feel would need to be considered and why? Are there any cases related to AI and predictive assessment that have been ruled on?
Dissertation on energy transition strategies for oil and gas : Dissertation on Energy Transition Strategies for Oil and Gas Companies in Nigeria - Analysis of the Energy Transition Competencies of Oil and Gas Companies
Define a risk management framework that will be used : Define a risk management framework that will be used. Identify risks and describe the risk. Analyze and evaluate the risks in terms of severity and impact.
Explain why you think one will work better : Explain why you think one will work better, and why you think the other will not work as well...be VERY SPECIFIC regarding class project tasks that have.
Discuss key decisions necessary for making strategy choices : Discuss the key decisions necessary for making strategy choices. Develop an Annotated Bibliography for the additional references used in your discussion.
What kind of independent variable necessary to infer cause : BUSI 820- What kind of independent variable (active or attribute) is necessary to infer cause? Can one always infer cause from the type of independent variable?


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