Disseminate information about products and services

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133615403


In today's world it is easier and faster to collect information about clients and disseminate information about products and services. This enables salespeople to not only sell to clients, it also adds value to their employers by:

Reference no: EM133615403

Questions Cloud

Robot vacuum cleaners : Prompt Engineering Your task is to engineer 3 prompts for a business entrepreneur who intends to start an online business that sells Robot Vacuum Cleaners
Sherman Antitrust Act and The Clayton Act : How have The Sherman Antitrust Act, The Clayton Act, and The Federal Trade Commission Act positively impacted American Capitalism?
Contract contained integration clause : The written contract contained an integration clause specifying that the written contract was the full contract of the parties.
Improve the flow of purchase orders within the company : How should you organize your report that discusses ways to improve the flow of purchase orders within the company?
Disseminate information about products and services : In today's world it is easier and faster to collect information about clients and disseminate information about products and services.
What are the principal parts of loan agreement : Managing Credit Risk. What are the principal parts of a loan agreement? What is each part designed to do?
Criminal law-civil law and administrative law : Criminal law, civil law, and administrative law are examples of which of the following?
Exchange to take place between a buyers and sellers : For an exchange to take place between a buyers and sellers, the: sellers have to offer a product to buyers that meets a need at a price they are willing to pay.
Under the neighborhood development category : Under the neighborhood Development category, what do the credits within the Neighborhood Pattern and design category emphasize?


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