Dispose of the wastes released by its chickens

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133575047

Private solutions to correct for externalities Consider the following scenario: Suppose that a chicken farm uses a nearby stream to dispose of the wastes released by its chickens. These wastes flow downstream into a lake that has become thick with algae and polluted by the minerals in the waste matter. The local office of a nonprofit environmental organization collects enough donations to fund a campaign to stop the farm's pollution. Which of the following private solutions resolving the externality of pollution took place in this scenario? Integration of different types of businesses through merger or acquisition Charities Moral codes and social sanctions Contracts Keep in mind that sometimes private solutions to externalities are not achieved. For instance, this could occur when communications barriers or social customs are important enough relative to the potential gains involved that .

Reference no: EM133575047

Questions Cloud

Explain how you believe technology-artificial intelligence : Explain how you believe technology and artificial intelligence will continue to evolve in your chosen career field.
About influential business leaders or government officials : When looking for an interesting scenario, consider articles about influential business leaders or government officials, or articles about key achievements,
Major differences between business strategies : What are some of the major differences between business strategies in the past and current strategies? Is there any shift, and if so, what is the shift?
Ability to speak comfortably with strangers : Skylar was offered a job at IBM because the hiring manager was impressed by her ability to speak comfortably with strangers.
Dispose of the wastes released by its chickens : Suppose that a chicken farm uses a nearby stream to dispose of the wastes released by its chickens.
Because of the nature of unilateral contract : Because of the nature of a unilateral contract, How does a user indicate agreement to the terms set forth in the Statement?
Contract is valid contract is voided contract is voided : Contract is valid Contract is voided Contract is voided, subject to investigation Contract will be modified.
Determining an individual motivation : Determining an individual's motivation for becoming an entrepreneur. the potential for new job creation the cultural environment per capita income opportunity c
Informed by packaging supplier : Jimmy has been informed by his packaging supplier that the eco-friendly packaging is 50% more expensive than the standard packaging.


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Business Management Questions & Answers

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In this one- to two-page (250-500 word) paper, you will discuss each of the different components of an information system, and then explain how you can use the five-component model to guide your learning and thinking about information systems.

  Explain shifts taking place currently in the health care

Explain shifts taking place currently in the health care system. For example, consider the shift from acute care to wellness and prevention and the shift in accountability. Describe current and potential challenges with the health care system.

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