Displays the largest and smallest integers

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13996378

Develop pseudo-code for a computer program that prompts the user for five integers, accepts the integers, after performing necessary processing determines and displays the largest and smallest integers in the group.

Reference no: EM13996378

Questions Cloud

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Displays the largest and smallest integers : Develop pseudo-code for a computer program that prompts the user for five integers, accepts the integers, after performing necessary processing determines and displays the largest and smallest integers in the group.
What is the equation for total revenue : The demand for a new drug is given by equation Q = 150 - 3P (where Q is bottles of medicine and P is the price per bottle in dollars). The slope of the demand curve is -1/3. What is the equation for total revenue? What is the equation for marginal re..
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How would buyers be able to respond to these changes : When looking at prices, you will find that they are flexible in our economy. What would happen if the government started to control the direction of prices? How would buyers be able to respond to these changes?


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