Reference no: EM131096415
A standard deck of 52 playing cards holds cards with the values 1 through 13 representing Ace, 2 through 10, Jack, Queen, and King in each of four suits ("Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", and "Spades"). Create an array so that all 52 card combinations are represented. Create a War card game that randomly selects two cards (one for the player and one for the computer) and declares a winner (or a tie) based on the numeric value of the two cards. The game should play for 26 rounds of War, dealing a full deck with no repeated cards. For this game, assume the cards' values are based on their numbers-that is, the lowest card is the Ace. Display the values of the player's and computer's cards, compare their values, and determine the winner. When all the cards in the deck are exhausted, display a count of the number of times the player wins, the number of times the computer wins, and the number of ties. Some hints:
• Start by creating an array of all 52 playing cards.
• Select a random number for the deck position of the player's first card and assign the card at that array position to the player.
• Move every higher-positioned card in the deck "down" one to fill in the gap. In other words, if the player's first random number is 49, select the card at position 49 (both the numeric value and the string), move the card that was in position 50 to position 49, and move the card that was in position 51 to position 50. Only 51 cards remain in the deck after the player's first card is dealt, so the available card array is smaller by one.
• In the same way, randomly select a card for the computer and "remove" the card from the deck.
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