Display the total annual compensation

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13307881

A salesperson will continue to earn a fixed salary of $50,000. The current sales target for every salesperson is $80,000.

  • The sales incentive will only start when 80% of the sales target is met. The current commission is 12% of total sales.
  • If a salesperson exceeds the sales target, the commission will increase based on an acceleration factor. The acceleration factor is 1.3.
  • The application should ask the user to enter annual sales, and it should display the total annual compensation.
  • The application should also display a table of potential total annual compensation that the salesperson could have earned, in $5000 increments above the salesperson's annual sales, until it reaches 50% above the salesperson's annual sales.

Sample Table: Assuming a salesperson's annual sales of $100,000, the table would look like this:

Total Sales

Total Compensation


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  • The application will now compare the total annual compensation of at least two salespersons.
  • It will calculate the additional amount of sales that each salesperson must achieve to match or exceed the higher of the two earners.
  • The application should ask for the name of each salesperson being compared.

The JavaTM application should also meet these technical requirements:

·         The application should have at least one class, in addition to the application's controlling class

Here is what I have so far - but am lost on how to compare at least two salespeople.

* Roy Gibson
* annual compensation of a salesperson
* PRG/420 Computer Programming I

public class Compensation
    private double annualSalary;
    private double annualSales;
    private double commissionPercent;
    private double accelerationFactor;

    // Constructor
        annualSalary = 0;
        annualSales = 0;
        commissionPercent = 0;
        accelerationFactor = 0;

    Compensation(double aSalary, double aSales, double aCommPercent, double aAccelerationFactor)
        annualSalary = aSalary;
        annualSales = aSales;
        commissionPercent = aCommPercent;
        accelerationFactor = aAccelerationFactor;

    // Public Methods
    public void setAnnualSalary(double aSalary)
        annualSalary = aSalary;

    public void setAnnualSales(double aSales)
        annualSales = aSales;

    public void setCommissionPercent(double aCommPercent)
        commissionPercent = aCommPercent;

    public void setAccelerationFactor(double aAccFactor)
        accelerationFactor = aAccFactor;

    public double getAnnualSales()
        return annualSales;

*Roy Gibson
* PRG/420 Computer Programming I

import java.text.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

class PRG420Week3
    * Main () function.

    public static void main(String[] args)
        //Create a new instance of the main class object
        Compensation obj = new Compensation ();

        * call the functions passing it the needed constants.

        obj.setAnnualSalary (50000);
        obj.setCommissionPercent (0.12);

        int sales;
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("Enter the total sales in integer value: $");
        sales = keyboard.nextInt();


        * call the functions to calculate compensation, based on input
        * earlier.
        double total = obj.calculateCompensation ();

        System.out.println("The total compensation is: $" + total + "\n");

        * call the functions to calculate compensation table
        NumberFormat theNumberFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

        // Output table header. Use tab escape \t to create even spacing.
        System.out.println("Total Sales\t\tTotal Compensation");

        int step = 5000;

        // Create stopping point for while loop that is 50% higher than annual sales.
        double anchor = obj.getAnnualSales() * 1.5;

            obj.setAnnualSales(obj.getAnnualSales() + step);
            System.out.println(theNumberFormat.format(obj.getAnnualSales()) + "\t\t" + theNumberFormat.format(obj.calculateCompensation()));
        } while (obj.getAnnualSales() < anchor);


Reference no: EM13307881

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