Display the temperatur using joptionpane

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132091567

Part A: Implement the Heater class using BlueJ. The requirements are as follows:

1. Fields: temperature, min, max, and increment. All the fields are of type int.

2. Constructor will set the temperature to 15 and increment to 5. The values of min and max should be set by parameters passed to the constructor. Verify that min is less than max. If min is not less than max then throw IllegalArgumentException with the message "Min value must be less than max value".

3. An accessor method to return the value of temperature.

4. A mutator method to set the value of increment. Verify that increment is set to a positive value (> 0). If a negative value or zero is passed to the method then set the value of increment to 5.

5. Mutator method cooler that will decrease the value of temperature by increment but it will not allow the temperature to be set to a value less than min.

6. Mutator method warmer that will increase the value of temperature by increment but it will not allow the temperature to be set to a value greater than max.

7. Method to compare two heater objects (equals method). It will return true if heater objects are equal, otherwise it will return false.

Part B: Implement the HeaterApplication class using BlueJ. The requirements are as follows:

1. You will use the Heater class (implemented in Part A) in this task. Make sure you don't change anything in the Heater class.

2. The HeaterApplication class has two variables as follows: 1. heater1 (type Heater) 2. heater2 (type Heater)

3. The main method in the HeaterApplication class will perform the following functions: 1. Create a Scanner object 2. Ask user for the value of minimum temperature 3. Read in the value of minimum temperature

4. Ask user for the value of maximum temperature

5. Read in the value of maximum temperature

6. Create an instance of Heater object and assign it to heater1

7. Display the value of temperature (use getTemperature method to find the temperature of the heater1).

8. Execute the cooler method for heater1.

9. Display the value of temperature (use getTemperature method to find the temperature of the heater1).

10. Use the JOptionPane to ask the user for minimum temperatur and maximum temperatur.

11. Create an instance of Heater object and assignt it to heater2.

12. Display the temperatur using JOptionPane.

13. Execute the warmer method for heater2.

14. Display the temperatur using JOptionPane.

15. Compare heater1 and heater2 objects and display a message to indicate if they are same or different.

Reference no: EM132091567

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