Display the stripped phone number

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132356510


When people enter phone numbers, they typically enter it in a few different formats:




Write a program to strip all occurrences of these characters: '(', ')' and '-'. Also, strip all the leading and trailing whitespace characters. Display the stripped phone number. The following are a few examples:

Enter phone number: (919)866-5555

Phone number with extra characters stripped: 9198665555

Enter phone number: 919-866-5555

Phone number with extra characters stripped: 9198665555

Enter phone number: 9198665555

Phone number with extra characters stripped: 9198665555

[Hint: to delete a string, you can replace it by an empty string]

Save your Python program in a file named Lab13P1.py. Submit the file to Blackboard for credit.

Problem 2

All oranges sold in a grocery store have a 4-digit product code. If the rightmost digit is '4', the orange is from California. If the rightmost digit is '7', the orange is from Florida. For example, an orange with product code '8124' is from California. An orange with product code '6547' is from Florida. Write a program to do the following:

(a) Ask the user to enter the 4-digit code of an orange.

(b) Strip all the leading and trailing whitespace characters from the code.

(c) Test whether the code consists of only numeric digits. If it is not, display an error message.

(d) Test whether the code has exactly 4 characters. If it has more or fewer than 4 characters, display an error message.

(e) Test the rightmost digit. If it is '4', display 'This orange is from California'. If it is '7', display 'This orange is from Florida'. If it is something else, display 'The last digit must be 4 or 7'.

The following are three examples.

Enter product code: 12X45

Product code must consist of digits only.

Product code must not be longer or shorter than 4 characters.

The last digit must be 4 or 7

Enter product code: 0824

This orange is from California

Enter product code: 5237

This orange is from Florida

Save your Python program in a file named Lab13P2.py. Submit the file to Blackboard for credit.

Problem 3

Course codes in a community college consist of two parts: subject and course number. Subject must consist of 3 letters while course number must consist of 3 digits. For example, in the course code 'CIS115, subject is 'CIS', and course number is '115'. Write a program to do the following:

(a) Ask the user to enter a course code.

(b) Strip all the leading and trailing whitespace characters from the code. Display the stripped code.

(c) Test whether the course code is valid. If the course code does not follow the rules described above, display an error message. Otherwise, separate subject from course number and display them separately.

The following are four examples.

Enter course code: CIS115

Subject: CIS

Course number: 115

Enter course code: CIS1155

You have entered an invalid course code

Enter course code: CS2567

You have entered an invalid course code

Enter course code: CIS25K

You have entered an invalid course code

Reference no: EM132356510

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