Reference no: EM132355566
How do you code in python the following :
In the game Rock Paper Scissors, two players simultaneously choose one of three options: rock, paper, or scissors. If both players choose the same option, then the result is a tie. However, if they choose differently, the winner is determined as follows:
Rock beats scissors, because a rock can break a pair of scissors
Scissors beats paper, because scissors can cut paper
Paper beats rock, because a piece of paper can cover a rock
How do you code a game in which the computer randomly chooses rock, paper, or scissors. Let the user enter a string ("rock", "paper", or "scissors") . Once the user makes an entry, the program will determine and display the winner (or the word "tie") for the current round and return to the prompt. If the user does not want to play another round, the user will enter "end" at the prompt.
Once the user enters "end", the program will display the number of rounds played, the number of times the user won, the number of times the computer won, and the number of times there was a tie.
How do you get the program to then after displaying the stats, the program will terminate.
How do you code with the program having this:
1. The random module
2. List
a. The list of choices the computer will pick from
3. Dictionary
a. To keep track of the number of times the computer or user wins and also the number of ties
4. And two functions
a. roundWinner: This function takes the user entry and the computer choice as parameters and returns an integer. 0 if the round is tie, 1 if the computer wins and 2 if the user wins.
b. displayStats: This function takes a dictionary containing the rounds stats.
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