Display the final contents of each object''s field.

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13948166

Need help finishing the code for this SalesPersonDemo project. This project has to be completed by tomorrow. This is a final project and I am totally lost as to how to code this properly. Attached is the file I started coding but got lost. I have make notes as to were the SalesSpeech method is and the MakeSale() method in the attached file.

Here is the instructions for the project I was given.

Write a program the instantiates a RealEstateSalesperson and a Girlscout object.

Demonstrate the SalesSpeech() method with each object.

Use the MakeSale() method two or three times with each object.

Display the final contents of each object's field.

Attachment:- SalespersonDemo.doc

Reference no: EM13948166

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