Display the contents of the array in order

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131289401

Exercises & iLabs Logic and Design


Assignment: Arrays are incredible fun! Today we are going to work on a program to keep track of our homework scores for a math class. Write a program that accepts five homework scores as input values and stores them into a table (which is another name for an array). Once the scores are in the array, we can process them again and again.

First, load the scores in your array. Second, display the contents of the array in order. Third, display array in reverse order. Fourth, calculate the average of the five scores entered in the array. Finally, the algorithm should display all the homework scores in the array that are larger than the previously calculated average. Make sure you use some output statements to clarify all the details you are displaying, being cautious about spelling and communicating to your user.

Be sure to THINK about the logic and design first (IPO chart and or pseudocode), then code the Visual Logic command line processing.

Lab Fireworks Stand Checkout (Devry)

Your algorithm will keep track of a customer's purchases at the local fireworks stand. Customers will not know exactly how many items they will purchase, so using a for-loop on this lab is not allowed. Let's keep the rules simple.

Accept the dollar value of each item purchased from the user until the user is finished. When purchases are complete, enter a sentinel value of -1 (Make certain you do not include the -1 sentinel value in your total). Keep track of the total dollar amount of all fireworks purchased. Keep a tally of the number of items purchased. If more than 20 items were purchased, give your customer a 10% discount on the total purchases. Once purchases are complete, display the total number of items purchased, the average price of the items, the total of all fireworks purchased, any discount if applicable, and the total of all fireworks purchased minus the discount.

Be sure to THINK about the logic and design first (IPO chart and/or pseudocode), then code the Visual Logic command line processing.

Deliverables Firework Stand Checkout IPO Model Firework Stand Checkout Pseudocode Firework Stand Checkout Flowchart Firework Stand Checkout Output Sample

Reference no: EM131289401

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