Display the balance of the customer

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13812920

Part A:

1. Display the id, the description, and the total value (product quantity * product price) of each product whose product type is HW. Assign the column name TOTAL_VALUE to this calculation.

2. Display the id, the description, and the total value (product quantity * product price) of each product whose total value is greater than or equal to $4,000. Assign the column name TOTAL_VALUE to the calculation.

3. Display the id and the description for each product whose type is either SG or AP using the IN operator.

4. Determine the id and the name of each customer whose name starts with the letter "S".

Part B:

5. Display all the data in the products table. Order the display by the product description.

6. Display all the data in the products table. Order the display by product type. Within each product type, order the display by product id.

7. Determine the number of customers whose balances are less than their credit limits.

8. Display the total of the balances of all customers who are represented by sales representative 237 and whose balances are less than their credit limits.

9. Display the id, the description, and the total value of each product whose number of items is greater than the average number of items for all products. You may want to use a subquery.

10. Display the balance of the customer whose balance is the smallest.

11. Display the id, the name, and the balance of the customer with the largest balance.

12. Display the sales representative's id and the sum of the balances of all customers represented by each of these sales representatives. Group and order the display by the sales representative ids.

13. Display the sales representative's id and the sum of the balances of all customers represented by each of these sales representatives, but limit the result to those sales representatives whose sum is more than $12,000.

14. Display the ids of all products whose description is not known.

Reference no: EM13812920

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