Display the averaged measurements every time

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13324924

The XYZZY Widget Company has identified weather station management as an area of future interest for the company. You have been contracted to design a simulation system that the company can use to exercise prototype versions of their software. A simple simulator has already been constructed and embedded in a very basic sensing application - it is available here. The application uses hash tables - for a brief introduction, refer tothese slides . While the approach used by the simulator is very basic (using a dilated simulation clock), it is has been deemed sufficient for the purpose at hand.

The application to assist the company in understanding weather station management issues. The system needs to model the following entities:

1.     A weather information system

2.     A weather station and

3.     The instruments associated with the weather station.

A weather station is configured with one or more instruments to measure

1.     Rainfall (mm)

2.     Wind direction (degrees from north)

3.     Ground temperature (degrees celsius)

4.     Air temperature (degrees celsius)

5.     Air pressure (pascals)

Each instrument is configured with its own sampling interval and will have a read() method which will be invoked by the simulator at regular intervals. Details of how reading is to be modelled will be provided for the next assignment. However, note that reading may fail.

The weather station persists instrument data to a database at regular intervals - this interval is specified when the weather station is configured. The values that are persisted are the averages for the instrument readings over the current persistence interval.

The weather information system will initially be modelled as a GUI form with functionality limited to the following:

1.     Start the simulation

2.     Display the time as measured by the simulation time at each clock tick

3.     Display the averaged measurements every time they are persisted to the database

4.     Stop the simulation

Refer to the provided application for a simplified version of such a form. These four items form the initial requirements for the system.

In the future, it is anticipated that the weather information system will be extended to allow its users to query the persisted measurements. In this regard, assignment 1 provides indicative queries. Also, it is expected that the range of instruments will be extended (for example, instruments to measure humidity and water runoff). There is also interest in remote control of the instruments, so the ability to start and stop instruments and to reset faulty instruments will be required. In your design, you are not expected to provide sequence diagrams for these future requirements, but you are expected to indicate how your design could be extended (if necessary) to accommodate these additional requirements with minimal impact on the original design.

As with assignment 1, a sophisticated GUI is not required. However, the design must conform to the Model View Presenter (MVP) pattern.


Submit your design document as a Microsoft Word document. The document is to be structured according to the Assessment criteria below.

Assessment Criteria



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Software architecture

What are the layers in your application (I expect to see model view and presenter layers, but you may have more). What is the interaction between layers?


Database design

Provide ER diagrams for all tables.


User interface design

Use the NetBeans GUI builder to build form mock ups and present the screenshots.


Class diagram

Include all the non-library classes that will appear in the application.


Sequence diagrams

For the 4 listed requirements, provide a sequence diagram for each requirement.  The sequence diagrams are to include all method calls required to realise the requirement.


Mapping of classes to layers

For each of the classes that you have specified in your class diagram, indicate to which layer of your software architecture diagram they belong


Acceptance tests

Indicate what will need to be tested for a customer to sign off on the completed application. Detailed test descriptions are not required.


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Please note, when viewing any feedback files for your submission, it is strongly recommended you use appropriate/compatible software applications which correctly open the type of file provided. This will ensure feedback content is displayed as intended.

Reference no: EM13324924

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