Reference no: EM13762410
Step 1:
Within SQL*Plus, list names of the tables that you have created whose name starts with MM (Hint: use data dictionary view USER_TABLES).
Step 2:
Use DESCRIBE (in short: DESC) command in SQL*Plus for each of these tables to show columns and their datatypes.
Step 3:
Use SELECT * command to display all data from each of the tables in the MoreMovies schema. Make sure that the LINESIZE and PAGESIZE have large enough values, and that you format columns so that the report looks good. You should end up with five queries and result sets.
Step 4:
Using the mm_movie and mm_movie_type tables, write a query that will list all movie categories together with the count of movies in each category. Give the column with the count in it a meaningful name such as IN STOCK.
Step 5:
Using the mm_movie and mm_rental tables, write a query that will list titles and checkout dates for all movies that were signed out by Wild Coyote (MEMBER_ID=13).
Step 6:
Using the same two tables used in Step 5, write an SQL sub-query that will list all movies (movie ids and titles) of all movies that have never been rented.
Step 7:
Using the mm_member and mm_rental tables, write a query that will list all members (member ID, first name, and last name) and the number of movies they have rented, for all members who have rented at least one movie. Order the result set so that it shows the largest number of movies rented as the first row.
Step 8:
Write a query that will display the largest number of movies rented by one member and that member's name. Give the output column a meaningful name such as MAXIMUM NUMBER.
Step 9:
Using the mm_member and mm_rental tables, write a query that will display member ID, last name, first name, and the number of movies rented for each member. Give the column with the number of movies rented a meaningful name such as NUMBER RENTED.
Step 10:
Using the mm_member, mm_movie and mm_rental tables, write the query that will prepare a report that shows who rented which movie. Usemember names (first and last) and movie title rather than the corresponding IDs. Order the report by member names, and for a single member by the movie titles.