Disorders due to some type of traumatic

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Reference no: EM131579637

Create general responses to each of the 3 posts below. each response must be 300 wrds or more.

Post 1

Psychological disorders is something no one should take as a joke or even joke about it around people who might seem to have a disorder. Disorders is not something people choose to have. One of the disorders I think would be the most challenging to me is PTSD. PTSD is a anxiety disorder in a person '' who has experienced a traumatic or life-threatening event ". People with PTSD tend to "catastrophize" about every little thing that goes wrong, to believe they are inadequate, and to feel that no one can be trusted". I think that having PTSD would be like living in fear at all times. If a sound or something reminds me of the incident that caused me trauma I would probably freak out and/or jump or be startled. Living in fear does not seem like a easy life. Having this symptom seems like the most difficult because its almost like reliving in moments that caused you PTSD and living life around people but feeling alone, not being able to trust anyone because of the fear of the incident happening again. If I were to have this disorder I think would need people to not judge me or talk about me out loud in public. If I were to experience something that causes my PTSD to show, I would want society to not look at me any differently and to treat me like a normal person. Having a Psychological disorder is something everyone should understand or at least take serious. People with disorders did not just choose to have one or even pick the one they have. I think having a disorder would be incredibly difficult and would require mental support. Support of ever kind in any situation relieves a lot of the pain the disorder might cause. Someone with PTSD might feel alone and attempt to end their life, so I feel as if everyone in the society should put their differences to the side and not judge someone who might seem to have a disorder or even a physical disorder. We are all people and deserve to be treated like a person.

Post 2

From the textbook (Wade and Tavris, 2014) and my personal assessment, the most challenging disorder for a person to have would be dissociative/multiple personality disorder. This is assessed from close, personal experience with two people that suffered from D-/MPD. Each of the persons [within] may share some memories and certainly the same body, but there are numerous issues with which to contend. This applies to the subject as well as those around them.

Belongings and associates may or may not be recognized as part of the whole person, with each personality comes different values and beliefs. For instance, the dress or shirt that belongs to one could very well be considered the wrong size, fit, or style, and may even smell like someone else's clothing. Similarly, the parts of the whole, the personalities, have different problems as might the same number of real people in a group. Where the five-year-old girl believes that being alone is too scary, the 20-year-old will abruptly panic with someone else in that same space. A manic-depressive personality can also share the body and have her own cycles.

With every personality comes a different emotional climate and required adjustment - for the subject and those involved. The ever-changing existence and presences make for a difficult life until resolved, in one way or another.

The most difficult symptoms involved are, as mentioned, the changes that occur. These may often be with little or no warning or foresight. While the associate - someone close and nearby - may be able to predict a sound, smell, or other external influence may draw one to the surface, dominance and submissiveness of the one present may disallow the change.

A good example would be to be visiting with the dominant protector when a child's scream is heard from the TV. The five-year-old may have an outburst that overwhelms the protector, and surface in fear, needing to be consoled and reassured. With anger about the insolent tantrum of the child and frustration for disrespect of being pushed aside, the protector resurfaces before there was closure and soothing of the younger personality. After all, with every personality comes a different set of traumas and problems.

What is needed from the society in which the subject works and lives are patience and understanding. This seems to be consistently critical. These are not easily found by the subject since having multiple personalities doesn't seem feasible. With the ignorance of the culture and environment, perceptions of others are often disbelief and scorn for the behaviors. Frankly, some outbursts and behavior is unacceptable, and are atypical for the occasion or the role of the perceived person associated with the body. Imagine walking in a grocery store with a 34-year-old woman who goes into an excited rant about the cereal aisle, then sobs uncontrollably when not allowed to get what she wanted. The person with her is then forced to deal with a young girl in a very sad state, while also having to assure others that the disruption will end.
What society offers someone suffering from D-/MPD is in the realms mental health, outside of close associates - friends and/or family. Although the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders can do well to identify the various personality and mood disorders, what treats one may not work for another. This may also be true for medical treatments, bio-chemically and emotionally.

Referring to the referenced case of Saida Dugally in the assignment, the account of her issues was not easily or concretely diagnosed, nor was it properly treated. The treatment was not [apparently] due to malpractice of her care-givers. According to the website that details what is known of her life's key events, Lost Among Us, her psychiatrist's diagnosis was that she suffered from bipolar disorder. The prognosis at the time (1996) was fair to poor. In 1998, the psychiatrist believed/suspected that Saida had borderline personality disorder; however, that was not confirmed (Lost Among Us, n.d.).

Post 3

Disorders are not something someone decides to have or gets to choose because regardless of the disorder it will always be due to some type of traumatic event. The disorder I believe would be the most challenging to live with would be PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder in which a person relives the traumatic experience, psychic numbing, and increased psychological arousal. When people hear PTSD, we just think of military personnel coming back from Afghanistan, Iraq or any country that there is conflict and we are at war with, but it's also related to any type of violence that any person could have. According to The Nebraska Department of Veterans' Affairs, an estimated 7.8 percent of Americans will experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at some point in their lives which could be from combat, natural disaster, terrorist events, sexual assault, childhood abuse or any type of life threatening events. The reason I believe PTSD would be really hard to deal with is that many people that have it relive their traumatic experience over and over that could be triggered by anything. Living through a traumatic experience no matter what the situation is, no one would want to relive that moment over and over again. If I were to have PTSD, I would want support from my family and friends to help me get through to it every day of my life. One of the symptoms that would be most difficult would be the one that you have to relive every moment.

If I were given a chance to get help from the society having the symptoms of PTSD, I would just simply want their understanding and support. There is no better way for me to get a comfort that not even material things in life but the emotional support and full understanding of how I really feel. Going through a rough time in life living with some PTSD symptoms is hard enough and given that people in the society already knows what it is by definition at least, would actually make a person with PTSD feel extra special and find a light in the tunnel. I may not know how it really feels but if I were really on someone else's shoe having this disorder, I would show extra support and real care to those who need help. We need to support each other and show them support to help them get through this.

Reference no: EM131579637

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