Discussions about revision strategies

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131334653

Portfolio: Audience Expectations

- Professional Quality: each draft follows the paper formatting guidelines outlined in the course information sheet.

- Revisions: each draft reflects quality revision work. It's clear that you've carefully considered readers' suggestions and have utilized a variety of revision strategies. Revision work has not been limited to identifying and correcting errors in mechanics; instead, you have also demonstrated your ability to revise for content, organization, etc. You have included the original drafts and my comments for each paper submitted in your final portfolio.

- Purpose & Content: each draft responds to the specific purpose and content requirements of each paper assignment. You've successfully responded to the "audience expectations" for each paper assignment.

- Audience Awareness: each draft responds to the unique needs of the specific audience
assigned to each particular unit. Your writing strives to capture and keep audience's
attention, and anticipates readers' concerns and questions. You have created an
engaging title for each draft that draws in your readers.

- Mechanics: each draft has been reviewed for and is free of all mechanical errors, including those related to spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, and sentence structure. You have clearly stated sentences and a clean writing style.

Final Portfolio

While nearly all writers moan and grumble about revising, most also acknowledge it as the most important step in the writing process. It's particularly important here because it is a skill that you can take with you and apply to any writing you do - academic or otherwise. To help you become comfortable with this process and to help you create successful papers for our class, you are required to revise both of the papers you will write. Our conferences and discussions about revision strategies will help you develop methods of revising each.

While conferences occur immediately after a paper is returned to you, you can and must continue revising for the final portfolio even after we've moved onto a new unit. On the final day of class, you will submit your original and revised drafts in a single document (a.k.a. your portfolio), along with my original comments for each.

These papers should represent the best of your writing, the writing that you feel most proud of. As with professional writers around the world, your portfolio will reflect the amount of time, effort, and dedication you've put into your writing - for good or bad. Please note that your final portfolio is worth 35% of your grade and plan to maximize the points possible by making it a semester-long project for yourself. Late final portfolios are not accepted.

By the due date listed on the course calendar, you will submit your original and revised drafts, along with my original comments for each, as one document (aka your portfolio). In this document, include the following in the order listed below, placed from top to bottom:
o Final draft of paper #1
o First draft of paper #1
o My comments in response to paper #1
o Final draft of paper #2
o First draft of paper #2
o My comments in response to paper #2
o Final draft of paper #3
o First draft of paper #3
o My comments in response to paper #3

NOTE: Papers and written responses must be submitted as "doc", "dock", or "rtf" files. Work submitted in other formats will not be graded and will receive zeroes.

Reference no: EM131334653

Questions Cloud

Define a corporate stakeholder : Define a corporate stakeholder. Which groups are considered stakeholders? Would stockholders also be considered stakeholders?
Write about how deforestation disrupts the hydro cycle : SO245- In paragraph 3, you'll write about how deforestation disrupts the hydro (water) cycle. You'll explain how deforestation is related to declining species diversity.
What is meant by an agency cost or agency problem : What is meant by an "agency cost" or "agency problem"? Do these interfere with shareholder wealth maximization? Why?
Marketing and economic approaches deal : "All else held constant" is a major problem facing all methods of estimating the demand for business products. Compare and contrast how the marketing and economic approaches deal with this problem. Please use examples.
Discussions about revision strategies : The specific purpose and content requirements of each paper assignment. You've successfully responded to the "audience expectations" for each paper assignment - Revision work has not been limited to identifying and correcting errors in mechanics;
Calculate tax disadvantage to organizing a us business : Calculate the tax disadvantage to organizing a U.S. business today, after passage of the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, as a corporation versus a partnership under the following conditions.
Represents a game theory approach to oligopolistic behavior : Explain why the "kinked demand curve" model of oligopoly represents a game theory approach to oligopolistic behavior.
Employment for workers : Under what elasticity conditions would the following be true? "Increasing the minimum wage will result in a decrease in employment for workers who now earn less than the new minimum wage."
Which project maximizes shareholder wealth : Which project maximizes shareholder wealth? Which compensation contract does the manager prefer if this project is chosen?


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