Reference no: EM133049563
Discussion 1: The internet broadcast system goes primetime
The purpose of this discussion is to explore video or music streaming services. There has been a change in the trend of the consumption of media and online content in recent years. This has changed the way consumers buy and get their media. Consumers now have a choice to have media fed to them through cable or satellite distributors or have the choice to pick the media they want to consume, when and where they want it.
Step 1: Think about how you consume music or video content.
Step 2: Post your answers to the three (3) questions below.
1. Do you subscribe to any online video or music streaming services? If so, which ones?
2. What sites have given you the best overall viewing /music or entertainment experience, and why?
3. What are the advantages of watching online TV and films over traditional television/cinema?
Step 3: Sell one streaming service to your fellow students. Try to use one they maybe haven't used (an obscure one, but must be legal). Write a hard sell paragrah to your fellow students of about 100 words. Tell them why it is a great service. Include a link to the streaming service.
Step 4: Read others' posts and point out any disadvantages of the service compared to the ones you have posted.