Discussion on web open and free

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Reference no: EM1379636

Tim Berners Lee is known as father of the Web. In The Man who Invented the Web in 2005 it states that Berners Lee has fought to keep it open, non proprietary and free. Why would it be important to keep the Web open and free?

Reference no: EM1379636

Questions Cloud

Difference between wats and leased lines : Discuss the differences between Wide Area Telecommunications Service and leased lines?
Connecting computers in a local area network : Assume you are asked to head a non computerized department and you need ten computers and would like to connect them to each other.
Solving networking and security issues : Assume you have been hired through a big restaurant called Habibi's. Habibi's has a small network of 20 consumer workstations and a Windows Server 2003.
Home networking solutions : Question:  The Thomsons all have their own separate computers at home. The problem is, there is only one printer, and it is attached to Bob's computer.
Discussion on web open and free : Tim Berners Lee is known as father of the Web. In The Man who Invented the Web in 2005 it states that Berners Lee has fought to keep it open, non proprietary and free.
Strategy planning for corporate : In another year, after all assignments are completed, you consider to convert back to a volunteer basis with AllTechComm, and to discover more profitable employment, preferably with a major company.
Separation of a lan from the outside world : Discuss how may two routers be used to give separation of a LAN from the outside world?
Benefits of the just in time inventory management system : Determine what does just in time inventory management have to do with the Carle Heart Center in Urbana, Illinois?
Discussion about wireless networking technologies : Your corporation has just occupied an old historic building in which fifteen workers will work. Due to historic building codes, the corporation is not permitted to run cables inside walls or ceilings.


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