Discussion on the federal government

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM1375624

1. As your company's lobbyist, what would you like to see done through Federal government that would be of help to your company? This could be what government could do or what they could stop doing. It can be all fiscal, all monetary, or a mix of each type of policy. As a lobbyist it is not your job to be concerned with the deficit, or the environment, or the general health of the financial system (unless, of course, you are lobbying for an environmental, financial, or deficit reduction group). Your answer to this question can give an interesting perspective as to how lobbying can distort economic policy and decisions. CAUTION: I am not looking for general comments that could apply to the country as a whole or any given organization, what I want is comments that are relevant specifically to your organization.

2. The majority of lobbying efforts centers around fiscal policy so we will stick with that area. Please discuss your opinions on lobbying regarding if it is useful and should continue as is, if it should continue but with constraints to limit how much is done, or if it should be eliminated.


Reference no: EM1375624

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