Discussion on the concept of income for income tax

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Reference no: EM132365054 , Length: word count:2000

Taxation for Accounting Studies Assignment - Essay

REQUIRED: A satisfactory definition of "income" remains elusive, if indeed it could be regarded as achievable at all. As Hannan and Fansworth observed:

"The word "income" is of such illusive import that it cannot be defined in precise terms which would adequately meet legislative requirements. Why its meaning is not to be found in any income tax statute is explained by the many shapes which income may assume, and the illimitable variety of circumstances in which it may be derived."

Write an essay in which you discuss your opinion of the above statement. Your essay should have discussion on the concept of income for income tax purposes and the income/capital distinction. Support your discussion with references to the Income Tax Act 2007, relevant cases, and journal articles.

The essay should be referenced using the New Zealand Law Style Guide (NZLSG). Do NOT use APA style referencing.

Essay needs to be written from a third person perspective.

NOTES - There is no fixed definition of income in ITA 2007 because income can assume many shapes. Income can be derived from many circumstances.

Discuss each category of income which brings its own quarrelsome. Categories that you are required to discuss (discuss each separately):

  • The concept of income
  • Income/Capital distinction
  • Source and Residence - individuals and companies
  • Income From Business
  • Income from Property
  • Income of Individuals

Please have different sections for each of the above category supported with:

1. New Zealand Income Tax Act 2007 - you must refer to New Zealand Income Tax Act 2007 at all times

2. Relevant cases - refer to lecture notes for examples of those cases and then refer to Tax Act 2007 for details of those cases

3. Journal articles - please ensure that journal articles are relevant and reliable (please refer to

Remember you are discussing each category and its own quarrelsome which makes it difficult to define income as per Hannan and Fansworth's observation.

Attachment:- Taxation for Accounting Studies Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132365054

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Discussion on the concept of income for income tax : ACCT707 Taxation for Accounting Studies Assignment - Essay, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. Discussion on the concept of income for income tax
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9/3/2019 12:12:38 AM

Length: Approximately 2,000 words (excluding reference list). PLEASE REFER TO THE COMMENTS AND INSTRUCTIONS. Much improvement needed, please make carefully. The writer has to be either from Australia (who knows about the New Zealand taxation) or New Zealand writer. Attached is the complete relevant documents including the Income Tax Act 2007 to write the essay. Kindly ensure that the writer is from either Australia or New Zealand who knows about the New Zealand Income Tax Act 2007 and has previously completed an assignment similar. This is a 30% assignment therefore needs to be of a high standard.


9/3/2019 12:12:32 AM

Essay needs to be written from a third person perspective. Lecture notes cannot be referenced. I have provided it for guidance to the writer ONLY. Please check sentence structure and grammar as I have had issues with this in the past. You need to use at least 2 journal articles and 3-4 relevant cases under each category. NO BULLET POINTS IS ALLOWED. REALLY WORRIED AS NO INTRODUCTION NOR REFERENCE HAS BEEN INCLUDED. THERE IS NO FOLLOW IN THE ESSAY. SADLY NO RESEARCH HAS BEEN DONE AND JOURNAL ARTICLES HASN’T BEEN INCLUDED. PLEASE READ THE INTRUCTIONS AND THE MATERIALS AGAIN. THE ESSAY IS LACKING GREAT AMOUT OF KNOWLEDGE AND IN-DEPT.


9/3/2019 12:12:25 AM

Essay Marking Criteria - Clearly Identifies and addresses all the main questions in the essay brief and the subsidiary, embedded or implicit aspects Thorough discussion was provided and supported with appropriate examples and extensive additional relevant information from authoritative sources. Provides an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the topic question and builds a compelling case. Opinion is clearly articulated with very logical arguments. Develops ideas logically and coherently with smooth flow throughout the essay. The language contains very few, if any, errors in grammar and vocabulary. If slips are present, the meaning is still clear. Conventions of academic writing (e.g. references and presentation) are followed meticulously.

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