Discussion on personal philosophy

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Reference no: EM1379113

Create a PowerPoint® presentation answering one of the following questions: Is a person more than a physical body? What is the mind? What is thought?

As well, address 3-4 principle issues related to your chosen topic.

I. Physical Body

A. Spiritual being

B. Distinct Personality

C. Power to change the lives of others.

II. Mind

A. Vehicle that leaves its present

B. Travels through though process

C. Arrives at its destination based on thought process

III. Thought

A. Vehicle control

B. Personality and destination

Make sure that you help me with the following requirements in your presentation:

Cover a topic mentioned above, as well as 3-4 principle issues within your topic.

Develop your personal philosophy concerning the topic you choose.

Cite at least three philosophers mentioned in Philosophy: The Power of Ideas according to APA style guidelines.

Include speaker's notes that add to the presentation and, therefore, are not a replica of the PowerPoint slides.

Using text and graphics, create slides to illustrate your philosophy. The presentation should include the following:

1 slide introduction that presents your topic

3-4 slides that describe 3-4 principle issues within your topic

3-4 slides that present your views concerning the 3-4 principle issues

3-4 slides that present historical philosophers' views as support to your theory

Reference no: EM1379113

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