Discussion on operating systems

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379543

Question: In recent computer trend sources, it has been discussed that the OS are likely to become more user friendly, voice driven, stable, and even will repair themselves when required. How likely do you think this will become reality within the next decade? How will this impact the the commercial market?

Reference no: EM1379543

Questions Cloud

Differences in windows, mac os, unix, and linux os : Discuss the fundamental differences in Windows, Mac OS, UNIX, and Linux operating systems for personal computers? Determine the unique characteristics do mainframe operating systems have?
Determine the various aspects of operating system : Determine the various aspects in which we can view an operating system in terms of the services provided also discuss the differences between the various types of the operating systems and what are the advantages and limitations of each type
Performance of a computer : Set-up a paper describing with some detail the following topics of computer processing: Each of the twenty items listed should be adequately addressed.
Creating the source code and flowchart : Construct a C program that displays a title, "Hello World." Insert comments in the event to document the program internally. Attach a design flow chart.
Discussion on operating systems : In recent computer trend sources, it has been discussed that the OS are likely to become more user friendly, voice driven, stable, and even will repair themselves when required.
Differences between routers and switches : Assume you are currently working for Surebank, a medium financial institution. The company has approximately eighty people working in their main location where your office is located.
Operating system for a multimedia pc : Do you really think that the selection of Operating System makes a large difference when it comes to a specific purpose?
Individual operating systems : Discuss and explain the statement: "Global communication has developed to such a degree that the true operating system is the net itself, where the individual operating systems are just its nodes".
Examination of evidence on original media : The "forensically sound" method is to never conduct any examination on original media. There are practical and legal reasons for not performing examination on suspect's computer,


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Operating System Questions & Answers

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  Marginal and average cost curves

n a competitive market place (pure competition) is it possible to continually sell your product at a price above the average cost of production.

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  Virtual machines

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Discuss an application that would benefit from the use of barrier synchronization

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