Reference no: EM1377597
1) Autocratic I (AI): Completely autocratic. You solve the problem or make the decision yourself using the information available to you at the present time.
2) Autocratic II (AII): Request specific data. You get any necessary data from team members or subordinates, then decide on the solution to the problem yourself. You may or may not tell subordinates the purpose of your questions or give information about the problem or decision you are working on. The input provided by them is clearly in response to your request for special information. They do not play a role in the definition of the problem nor in generating or evaluating alternative solutions.
3) Consultative I (CI): One-on-one discussion. You share the problem with the relevant team members/subordinates individually, getting their ideas and suggestions without bringing them together as a group. Then you make the decision. This decision may or may not reflect your subordinates' influence.
4) Consultative II (CII): Group discussion. You share the problem with your team members in a group meeting. In this meeting you obtain their ideas and suggestions. Then, you make the decision which may or may not reflect your subordinates' influence.
5) Group (GII): Consensual group decision-making. You share the problem with your team members/subordinates as a group. Together you generate and evaluate alternatives and attempt to reach agreement (i.e., consensus) on a solution. Your role is much like that of facilitator, coordinating the discussion, keeping it focused on the problem and making sure that the critical issues are discussed. You can provide the group with information or ideas that you have, yet you do not try to "press" them to adopt your solution and are willing to accept and implement any solution which has the support of the entire group.
Explain critical thinking with example
: Explain critical thinking and give some example from your personal experience in applying critical thinking to a work related decision, and the importance and profits of critical thinking in the decision making processes.
Analyze different types of thinking styles
: Discuss and explain four different types of thinking styles. Compare and contrast the four different types of thinking and comment on how each affects the critical thinking procedure.
Effect of the employment at will principle
: Discuss the effect of the employment at will principle on the approach of what considerations managers and workers should be aware of while in progressive discipline and positive discipline process?
Critical thinking questions
: MedMobile is a medical supply business located in LA, California, employing 62 full-time and eleven part-time employees. The firm specializes in equipment designed to improve patient mobility
Discussion on critical thinking styles
: Request specific data. You get any necessary data from team members or subordinates, then decide on the solution to the problem yourself.
Different processes and divisions in the organization
: Proposed technology will have a broad impact on the different processes and divisions in the organization and not restricted to a particular process or division
Determinants of price elasticity of demand
: Do you think the demand for mangoes is price elastic or price inelastic? Explain your answer based on the determinants of price elasticity of demand.
Powers of administrative agency
: Determine the powers of this administrative agency, and whom does this agency report to if any? Also, where do the legislative and judicial branches of government come into play with investigation and enforcement of this agency?
Fairness between auditors and companies
: Practicing professionals should place the public interest above the interests of clients, particularly when participating in a procedure created to develop standards expected to obtain fair presentation.