Reference no: EM1376964
Bay City Health is a nonprofit, community-based, healthcare delivery network in Providence, Rhode Island. The network includes two acute-care hospitals, a network of more than 800 physicians, a broad ambulatory care network, home healthcare, and associated support services. The organization has a compliance department that is staffed with a director for compliance and several other supporting staff positions. The responsibility for the Compliance Department includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Ensuring that all departments and lines of business are in compliance with all contact requirements; accreditation standards; and all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
Developing and implementing policy and procedures that is consistent with the organization's mission and goals while ensuring compliance with all external regulations.
Providing technical support to all departments and other lines of business regarding compliance issues.
Please help so that I can complete this assignment.
The Compliance Committee for Bay City Health has requested an overview of medical record standards to the medical record management of Ocean Health Hospital, and they are interested in what direct care staff are taught regarding the medical records management.
Prepare a "medical records" overview for the Compliance Committee. Address the following in your PowerPoint presentation:
standard items in a medical record
retention of medical records
ownership of the medical record
internal monitoring
You do not need to address HIPAA in this overview as it has been addressed in depth in a previous presentation to the committee.
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