Discussion of the research

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM133043711


Presentations should be on the same topic as your essays. They should be about 15 minutes in length, outline your topic and findings and provide some audiovisual material to engage the class and support your discussion. Presentations should include a summary of your topic, a discussion of the research you found on it and the main issues that you think are relevant.

Presentations need have nothing to do with the week's topic so don't look for thematic connections regarding your date, just choose the date that you want.

Slots are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Have a look at the sign-up sheet and send me your choice. If the weeks are getting full, send me two choices.

All students must do a presentation with the following exception. It is normal to be nervous at the idea of presenting to the class. Presenting is not a normal activity, until you have done it many times. Butterflies or presentation jitters are part of the process of learning to do presentations. So if you are a bit nervous, don't worry about it, so is everyone else. No one is judging you harshly. However there is a category of anxiety regarding presenting that is qualitatively different than this. If you feel great anxiety about the idea of presenting and it is causing you stress, you can do an alternative assignment. No-one should experience serious anxiety just for the sake of a university presentation. If you fall into this category, please let know. You do not need documentation or any kind of confirmation. You will get an alternative assignment. But remember this is only if you feel stressed/very anxious about presenting and anyone who is just kind of nervous, should give it a go.

You will not be marked on the quality of your delivery. This is not a theatre class. You will be marked on making the points well, on summarizing your main issues, presenting an overview of your topic and the quality of the material you present, as well as your ability to get the class involved.

Reference no: EM133043711

Questions Cloud

What is the senior leadership role : What is the senior leadership's role in fostering engagement in the workplace?
How is culture communicated and changed : Rainey suggests that the term culture is both widely used and misused. The text suggests, however, that the term culture offers both theoretical and practical w
What is the value of the equity : A company has a zero coupon bond issue with a face value of $2 million that matures in one year. What is the value of the equity
Adapting messages to your audience : You work in the marketing department at ATB Financial in Edmonton, Alberta. Your manager has asked you to start sketching out some ideas for how to redesign the
Discussion of the research : Outline your topic and findings and provide some audiovisual material to engage the class and support your discussion
Prepare an amortization schedule that shows amortized cost : Armstrong paid $10,890 for these bonds, giving a yield of 4%. Prepare an amortization schedule that shows the amortized cost of this bond
Describe the stage of conflict : Describe the stage of conflict that this situation has reached. What will happen if it is ignored further?
Ensuring business continuity during covid-19 : Critically Examine the role Human resources played in ensuring business continuity during COVID-19.
Significance of the organizational values and culture : Blossom Co. produces and sells the personal care products which includes shampoo, soap, deodorant, body lotion, razor and toothpaste.


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