Reference no: EM131349932 , Length:
1. Discussion of the project in the case study
2. Evaluation of the application of the concepts and principles of business project management in the case study.
3. Preparation and discussion of planning document for the case study.
a. Gantt chart
Discussion of Gantt chart
b. Work Breakdown Structure
c. Computation of the payback period
Discussion of the quality management plan
d. Quality management plan
Discussion of the quality management plan
e. Communication plan
Discussion of the communication plan
f. Change management plan
Discussion of the change management plan
g. Risk management plan
Discussion of the risk management plan
7. Harvard references
Demonstrates a high degree of perception and originality. Comprehensive in coverage of the salient points. Shows complete comprehension of material and exceptional insight and relativity demonstrated with the charts, models, tables and examples with the concepts. Arguments supported by examples/charts and tables. Structure/grammar/referencing outstanding
Demonstrates perception and originality. Factually sound and comprehensive in coverage of salient points. Shows considerable understanding of relevant material with proper citations. Outstanding analysis/evaluation. Relevant use of examples/charts/tables. Structure/grammar/referencing outstanding. All the information's provided should be highly relevant and related to the concepts. Demonstrates some perception and originality. Is factually sound and covers most salient points- Shows a high level of understanding of relevant material with excellent interpretation/analysis/evaluation of the material.
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