Discussion of the key findings from your data collection

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132108605

Assessment Description

In this individual assignment, you will be given an opportunity to critically analyse and understand the driving forces of perception, attitudes, motivation, group and individual differences, culture, family and lifestyle that influence consumer behaviour and consequently consumers' purchasing decisions. Based on the analysis you conducted in Assessment 1, you are required to create a survey via Survey Monkey - a free online instrument. The sample size must include a minimum of 15 participants who recently purchased the chosen FMCG product that you analysed in Assessment 1. The survey must comprise of 10 questions. You are then required to provide a 6- page summary, analysis and discussion of the key findings from your data collection. This discussion must be aligned to YOUR chosen product and consumer behaviour literature should be integrated into this discussion to support analysis.

Please note that it is essential to seek "real" and valid participants who legitimately purchased the chosen FMCG product.

You will need to use theories and concepts related to consumer behaviour discussed in weeks 5 to 8.

More specifically,

1. Set a goal
2. Design a questionnaire based on the following aspects: Perception
Attitudes Motivation
Group and individual differences Culture
Family and lifestyle
3. Select participants
4. Gather data
5. Analyse data
6. Write a 6-page summary analysis
7. Attach graphical evidence of the survey results as an appendix (not included in the 6 pages)

For those students who have limited experience in using Survey Monkey as a survey and data collection tool, it is recommended to view the following online tutorials or visit our Academic Success Centre for further guidance and support.

Assessment Format
Your analysis should follow a professional report structure.

Sample Survey Analysis: Arial size 12 text font; 1.5 spacing; 6 pages (no more) Purpose
Development of survey instrument Administration processes
Data Analysis Key Findings
Appendices (Survey Monkey graphical representation of results)

Attachment:- Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology.rar

Verified Expert

This report documents data gathered from an online survey. The gathered data is analysed and interpreted in this report. This study gives a beneficial understanding of factors affecting consumer behaviour and buying process. The study is conducted by taking example of a FMGC organisation, Head and Shoulder. as an evidence, the preview of questionnaire in survey monkey is pasted in appendix section.

Reference no: EM132108605

Questions Cloud

Based on your knowledge of relational databases : Based on your knowledge of relational databases, what sort of tables would such a loyalty program need in its database?
Organizational culture that relates to healthcare : Research and share two theories on organizational culture that relates to healthcare.
Target costing in purchasing management : What controls are there with "Target Costing in purchasing management?
Government should be run like a business : One of the common debates in public budgeting is whether or not the government should be "run like a business".
Discussion of the key findings from your data collection : You are then required to provide a 6- page summary, analysis and discussion of the key findings from your data collection.
Assembly line becomes more attractive than craft process : An assembly line becomes more attractive than a craft process as
Analyze project deliverables compared to project outcomes : Sidney Park Health System is experiencing a shortage of coders. Over the past five years, there has been a 30% vacancy rate for coders throughout.
What evidence supports the main point : Using this article that addresses one of the following best practices tied to management: planning, organization, staffing, or directing.
Explain why the opportunity is promising : Are you motivated to succeed in business? It is time to develop a mini business plan! Prepare a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation.



11/27/2018 12:32:52 AM

please make sure i have attached 2 file. one of them is details about assignment-2 which you need to do. and another file which is assignment-1 for helping to make assignment-2 because assignment 2 is related to assignment 1. In assignment requirement mentioned about 6 page summery, analysis and discussion of key finding. I have talk with my friend as he told me about assessment as in assignment requirement file mentioned as we need to write 10 question survey and after that 6 pages summary. So i think as per requirement need to write 6 page summary analysis after 10 question survey. i sent my assessment to my subject coordinator I have talk with my coordinator as he told me everything is ok but main things we need to concentrate is conclusion of survey. We need to write overall conclusion of survey and all the assessment is based on company as company ask questions to consumers and take survey. Thanks Expert Mind for solution provided sent to me !!!


9/9/2018 10:43:41 PM

i have attached my assignment detail in file.please refer attached file. this assignment is related to my first assignment so i have attached my assignment-1 also.please refer assignment-1 and select same product for assignment-2. please make assignment as per requirements. and make sure i have attached 2 files and from that 2 file 1 file is for requirements of assignment 2 and another file if for reference to make assignment 2 because assignment 2 is related to assignment 1.

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