Discussion of the different views of the issue

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Reference no: EM133589582

Case Study: Will you select a controversial issue from the list of suggested topics and discuss how it relates to working in the human services field. You must conduct a search of the available literature (with emphasis on peer-reviewed journal articles) surrounding the selected topic. This paper must be written in APA 6th edition format, which includes a title page, body of at least 7 full pages and a maximum of 10 pages, and a reference page(s). In this paper, please be sure to provide background information on the controversy surrounding the topic, addressing all views, and how it would relate to your work in the human services field. How would your values and beliefs about this issue impact your work? How would you go about avoiding issues of malpractice when working with a client experiencing this first hand? Is there countertransference you may struggle with? In addition to addressing the above questions, please be sure to develop a case study that is relevant to your topic and identify the specific steps you would take in working with that client. Be sure to include information about the client's race and ethnicity, religious beliefs (if any), family structure, relevant values and beliefs as well as the presenting issue. Remember to evaluate all aspects of the case-i.e. Does the issue fall under Duty to Warn? Is this a situation that might require a referral to Child Protection Services? Take on the perspective of a Human Services provider and be sure to fully address all concerns that might be raised. Here are some possible issues that your client may be presenting with that you choose to discuss. The issues have been organized by different categories: Family Issues: • A person leaving his/her partner to pursue an affair • An interracial couple seeking premarital counseling • A person who admittedly abuses his/her partner • A parent who talks about LEGALLY using marijuana while supervising their children • A same-sex couple who is seeking to adopt Social Issues: • A transgender person looking for counseling to address depression © 2022 Post University A person who is considering involuntary hospitalization of a mentally ill or handicapped family member • A person who admits to having an addiction to pornography • A woman who is considering having an abortion • A person whose political views are polar opposite of yours Criminal Issues: • A person considering euthanasia or physician-assisted • suicide A person who has admitted to molesting children in • the past • A person who has been released from prison after committing a • murder A minor who admits to using illegal drugs An undocumented worker facing discrimination in the work place If you want to choose a topic not on the list, it must be approved by the course instructor. Requirements You must use at minimum 3 scholarly resources for this policy paper. Wikipedia, Ask.com, and other non- scholarly sources of information will not be accepted. If you are in doubt about the reliability of a resource, ask your instructor. Topics that must be addressed in this policy paper include


1. Background information on the controversy surrounding the topic. You must include a look at historical milestones/social policies pertaining to your chosen topic, including a discussion on the goal of the policies and their impact on the human services field and society.

2. Discussion of the different views of the issue

3. How the issue will relate to your work in the field

4. How your values and beliefs about this issue will impact your work

5. Relevant case study

6. Discussion of the steps you would take in working with the client

Reference no: EM133589582

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