Reference no: EM131307065
C++ Project Reports
I have two C++ program i need one reports for ech one of the and i wnat them to be tn the same format in the instruction if there some the thing not right i will not accept it.
The two must be diferent from eche other. not thwe same words.
File 1 is project one
File 2 is project two
Project Report Format
Note: The entire document should have 12-point font and single-spaced, top, bottom, left and right margins are all 1 inch. All pages should have a page number in the center at the bottom except for the title page and appendices.
All headings must be numbered, centered, bolded, and capitalized at the beginning of the section. There must be two spaces between the heading and the paragraph. All subheadings should be numbered, and left justified and single-spaced.
All figures must have a number and caption underneath, all tables must have a number and title above it. There should be one space between the caption and the figure or the caption and the table.
Remember this is only a guide of the minimum requirements of your report. Give me any other information that you feel is significant and aids the reader in understanding the purpose, procedure, and results of your project.
Required contents
1. Cover page - including course number and name, assignment number, date due, student's name, professor's name and your signature. (You must sign the bottom of the report on the title page confirming that all work is a product of your efforts only)
2. Table of Contents (including page number).
3. Problem statement - Write the complete problem statement. This should give all of the data and information, specifications for the desired results, a format, etc.
4. Program description
a. Overview- Describe the strategy (modularity) used to solve the problem.
b. Variable list - Include a list of names and descriptions of each input, output and process variables used in your program listing.
5. Program structure
a. Describe the overall plan (module charts) of how the program is constructed.
b. Algorithm: List all the major formulas, the theory and explanations needed in developing the problem solution algorithm and the computer program. Use pseudo codes or flow charts to describe how the program works.
6. A screen shot of Visual C++ window showing the comments at the beginning of your program. Must include the first line of your code. If the code is more than one page, print the screen shot for the first page only. (MAKE SURE it is legible. No dark backgrounds, and make font large)
7. Results - Show screen shots of all the results after executing your program (if one screen shot can not show all the results, use several screen shots).
8. Conclusions - Discussion of the computer program and results.
9. References - You MUST list all reference materials used and/or related to the program.
10. Appendix - Computer Program Listing (Print directly from Visual Studio).
Attachment:- Project 1 and 2.rar